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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
8/24/2021 11:23:17 AM
Creation date
8/24/2021 11:22:00 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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304 Mr. Culver reviewed the meeting with the residents that occurred in 2020. He <br />305 indicated, informally the Parks has an informal policy where, in practice, that if a <br />306 person wants to access the rear part of their property, that person can call the Parks <br />307 Department for permission. He noted this would need to be permitted with some <br />308 provisions. <br />309 <br />310 Member Misra asked why access from the other side of the park is prohibited right <br />311 now. <br />312 <br />313 Mr. Culver explained on the east side, he did not think it was prohibited but there <br />314 is a desire to have more of a looped path through this area. He reviewed the access <br />315 with the Commission. He thought the intent was to provide closer and easier access <br />316 to Tamarack for those homes in the part of the neighborhood on the west side. <br />317 <br />318 Member Misra asked how big of a trail would there be. <br />319 <br />320 Mr. Culver explained it would be an eight -foot -wide bituminous trail. <br />321 <br />322 Member Cicha asked what steps would need to be taken if the Commission did not <br />323 recommend this pathway and the City Council was to not adopt that into the plan, <br />324 Mr. Culver mentioned that right now it is in violation of City Code. <br />325 <br />326 Mr. Culver reviewed the steps that would need to be taken after going through the <br />327 City Council. He noted because this has been used like this for so long, the City <br />328 would need to figure out how this would be treated but the way this is being used <br />329 is clearly in violation of the City Code. <br />330 <br />331 Vice Chair Ficek indicated one comment he saw was emergency services using the <br />332 back way of the trail and he asked if this were made into a pathway could <br />333 emergency services still use it. <br />334 <br />335 Mr. Culver indicated it could still be used for emergency vehicles. <br />336 <br />337 Member Misra thought part of this is that there are so many different issues at stake. <br />338 It is not just a simple trail issue to a park, there is also City right-of-way issues and <br />339 resident right-of-way concerns, but she thought one of the things is that she is <br />340 definitely sensitive to the fact that there are residents who have been using this for <br />341 a long time. On the other hand, this is City park land and to her she would not want <br />342 to see that wetland area further encroached upon to build a wider road. Access to <br />343 the park and allowing people to be able to use that facility feels reasonable. She <br />344 wondered if this part of the plan could be tabled until August for further review. <br />345 <br />346 Member Joyce explained most of the homes were built in the 40's with tuck under <br />347 garages for access and are steep to access. He thought they were trying to solve a <br />348 bunch of different problems, and this is a complicated issue. He wondered what the <br />349 attraction is to the park. He wondered how the City is going to attract people to the <br />Page 8 of 10 <br />
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