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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
8/24/2021 11:23:17 AM
Creation date
8/24/2021 11:22:00 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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350 park and will there be playground equipment installed and what is the intended use <br />351 of the park. <br />352 <br />353 Mr. Freihammer indicated there is a playground that was built in 2018 and the <br />354 ballfield is still there but he was not sure if it is being used. <br />355 <br />356 Chair Wozniak thought this pathway may be the best option for this right-of-way <br />357 and it grants access to the park. He thought concerns about the wetland are valid <br />358 but if it became a pathway, he thought this segment would receive a lot more park <br />359 renewal funds. He thought there would be some tremendous improvements to the <br />360 vegetation and to the wetland and park itself. He saw a lot of positives happening <br />361 even though some people would lose access to their houses, and he did not know <br />362 how to overcome or replace that. He indicated he would supportthis segment added <br />363 to the Pathway Masterplan. <br />364 <br />365 Motion <br />366 Member Wozniak moved, Member Ficek seconded, to recommend the City <br />367 Council approval of the Tamarack Pathway segment to the proposed Pathway <br />368 Master Plan Amendments. <br />369 <br />370 Vice Chair Ficek agreed with what Chair Wozniak stated and what a lot of his <br />371 questions have been driving towards is that the Commission is not comparing atrail <br />372 to the existing condition. What the Commission is really looking at is a trail versus <br />373 something that goes forward with the residents causing them more money, <br />374 potentially a wider road, more impacts, and more expense to everyone. He <br />375 explained he was weighing those two future conditions against each other in his <br />376 decision making. He thought there were lots of issues on this one, but the City is <br />377 not comparing a trail to the existing condition, the Commission is looking at what <br />378 would go forward and what that other future condition may be. <br />379 <br />380 Ayes:5 <br />381 Nays: 1 (Spencer) <br />382 Motion carried. <br />383 <br />384 Member Misra wanted to thank the residents that spoke up and thought they have <br />385 been very courteous. <br />386 <br />387 Chair Wozniak suggested tabling the City Council Joint Meeting Review item until <br />388 the August meeting given the time. He asked if members were in agreement with <br />389 that. <br />390 <br />391 Consensus of the Commission was to table Item 6 (City Council Joint Meeting <br />392 Review) until the August PWETC meeting. <br />393 <br />394 6. City Council Joint Meeting Review <br />395 <br />Page 9 of 10 <br />
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