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8/24/2021 11:23:17 AM
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8/24/2021 11:22:00 AM
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Demand Side Management (DSM): Modification of consumer demand for energy through <br />various methods, including education and financial incentives. DSM aims to encourage <br />consumers to decrease energy consumption, especially during peak hours or to shift time of <br />energy use to off-peak periods, such as nighttime and weekend. <br />Direct Installation: Free energy -saving equipment installed by Xcel Energy or other <br />organization for program participants that produces immediate energy savings. <br />Energy Burden: Percentage of gross household income spent on energy costs. <br />Energy Reduction: The result of behavior changes that cause less energy to be used. For <br />example, setting the thermostat lower reduces the energy used in your home during the winter. <br />Since energy reductions can be easily reversed, they are not accounted for when calculating <br />changes in energy usage. <br />Energy Savings: Comes from a permanent change that results in using less energy to achieve <br />the same results. A new furnace uses X% less to keep your home at the same temperature (all <br />things being equal), resulting in energy savings of X%. For accounting purposes, energy <br />savings are only counted in the year the new equipment is installed. <br />Greenhouse Gases (GHG): Gases in the atmosphere that absorb and emit radiation and <br />significantly contribute to climate change. The primary greenhouse gases in the earth's <br />atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. <br />Grid Decarbonization: The current planned reduction in the carbon intensity of electricity <br />provided by electric utilities through the addition of low- or no -carbon energy sources to the <br />electricity grid. <br />Kilowatt-hour (kWh): A unit of electricity consumption. <br />Million British Thermal Units (MMBtu): A unit of energy consumption that allows both <br />electricity and natural gas consumption to be combined. <br />Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (MTCO2e): A unit of measure for greenhouse gas <br />emissions. The unit "CO2e" represents an amount of a greenhouse gas whose atmospheric <br />impact has been standardized to that of one unit mass of carbon dioxide (CO2), based on the <br />global warming potential (GWP) of the gas. <br />Megawatt (MW): A unit of electric power equal to 1 million watts. <br />Premise: A unique combination of service address and meter. For residential customers, this is <br />the equivalent of an individual house or dwelling unit in a multi -tenant building. For business <br />customers, it is an individual business, or for a larger business, a separately metered portion of <br />the business's load at that address. <br />Renewable Energy Credit (REC): For every megawatt -hour of clean, renewable electricity <br />generation, a renewable energy credit (REC) is created. A REC embodies all of the <br />environmental attributes of the generation and can be tracked and traded separately from the <br />underlying electricity. Also known as a Renewable Energy Certificate. <br />Roseville Energy Action Plan 46 <br />
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