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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
8/25/2021 11:11:58 AM
Creation date
8/25/2021 11:11:43 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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and the map shows it as a street, Ramsey County map shows it as a street and the <br />proposal has it as a street. This matters because it defines the authority of Roseville <br />and what the City can do with it. Every other pathway being proposed is along the <br />side of the street. This is turning a street into a pathway, no longer for vehicle, <br />pedestrian only. A City in Minnesota cannot do that. He indicated he wanted to <br />address a couple of things that would happen if the Commission votes to approve <br />this amendment. He was not sure that this can be a private ally either. This is a <br />street, so what happens next, there might need to be negotiations, more <br />conversations but was not sure if that was something of concern today. There was <br />the discussion of the Wagner return which has been vacated, he noted that Wagner <br />return is unaffected with this proposal, same thing for the pathway that is being <br />proposed, it would run parallel to the road and then down. Wagner return vacated <br />area is unaffected by the path that is currently driven and also unaffected by the <br />path that is being proposed. If afence were to be put up it would not affect anything <br />the City would have to do, it would be a private neighbor dispute from there. The <br />other thing he wanted to highlight is utilities run up the path and people have to use <br />that path to get to the different properties, including emergency vehicles. The <br />discussion today, started with ahistoric draught in Minnesota and the City is talking <br />about paving through a wetland, and one of the healthiest wetlands in the Capital <br />Region Watershed District. There is wildlife, vegetation, and plants there. This is <br />not the type of area or the time to be cutting through a wetland with an asphalt path. <br />He thought the Watershed District needed to be consulted on this before anything <br />is done. <br />Mr. Shawn Emery, 302 S. McCarrons Boulevard, explained he uses the roadway <br />behind his backyard afew times a year and his neighbors to the east, Dave and Lisa <br />Boom use it often because their house in front has many steps leading up to it and <br />there is no way to get up to their house other than to come up the steps or from the <br />back of the house. He explained the situation that the homeowners have with using <br />the back roadway and some obstacles that are there. He indicated if the point is to <br />get people to go to Tamarack Park, the street in the back of the homes is walkable. <br />He reviewed a way through the area to get to the park. He did not think this made <br />sense, as a pathway, going over a driveway. If looking for creative solutions, a <br />perfect solution would be a boardwalk from the west end of Wagner that could skirt <br />up to Tamarack Park. <br />Chair Wozniak asked for clarification on what this pathway would look like on <br />Western and the cul-de-sac. He wondered if the road would be narrowed with a <br />pathway on one side of the street. <br />Mr. Culver thought currently it would be an on -street pathway connection. That <br />would be highlighted as how to connect to Tamarack Park. <br />Mr. Dave Boom, 300 S. McCarrons Boulevard, reviewed the history of his home <br />and when it was purchased. He indicated the roadway was used for when they <br />moved in and it is currently used to carry in groceries, home improvement projects <br />Page 5 of 10 <br />
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