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<br />Continued page 5. <br /> <br />The Clerk read report from Carley regarding òrainage in Mayflower Park and <br />it was decided that the situation be looked into further by some of the Council <br />members. <br /> <br />331 <br /> <br />Report from Carley concerning Orchard Lane wa~ read. It was suggested that <br />it be a maintenance job anò We do the best we can with it for the tir.le being. <br /> <br />The cost of remodeling the Old Village Hall was disctLssed. Lannoux bid $48, <br />for a 3" well and Gangl's bid for the same was $525. Plumbing would run about $700 <br />and heating $1780. Membrez moved, Hammersten seconded, that we advertise for bids <br />for heating and plwabing work. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). Also, the Clerk <br />mlould secure cost of wiring the building. <br /> <br />The Clerk said he has had calls regarding tlle grading of Skillman from Hamline <br />to Dellwood. Mr. HcCough has not answered the letter sent to him. It was agreed <br />to grade the entire road and assess the property owners. Membrez moved, Hammerstsn <br />seconded, that Car1ey make a report on Skillman Ave. from Harnline to Dellwood, <br />Roll call ~ves-(5) Nnyes-(O). <br /> <br />The Committee reported on the bids for a Leader. The low bidder was Geo. T. <br />~an Co. for $3277, and Wm. H. Ziegler Co. was ~econd with a bid of $3338. The <br />Ziegler bid included counter-weights on back, and there was a ~1estion of whe~her <br />the Ry:m bid included t,hem. Membrez moved, Hammersten seconded, that th'! order <br />be placed with the lowest bidder with counter-weights on the equipment. Roll call <br />AYes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The -Clerk read the invitation from the League of Minnesota Municipalities <br />to attend the 40th Anniversary and Convention in Virginia on June 11, 12 and 13. <br />Hammersten mo'''ed, Membrez seconded th~t as many members of the Council flS CAll <br />Rttend and Mrs. Polanek, Mr. Carley and Mr. Karon attend with expenses paid. <br />Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The Council agreed that the Clerk should send a letter to Joe Koalska asking <br />for the tools and supplies that belong to the Village and that men be sent to <br />pick them up. <br /> <br />Membrez moved, Hammersten seconded, that the following bills be paid: <br /> <br />Aroerican Linen <br />Mike Walsh <br />Phillips Petre Co. <br />Mrs. H. peterson <br />Harry Carlson <br />B. H. Hammersten <br />Tony Schmidt <br />Elsa M. Obst <br />Adolph Olson <br />Art Carrier <br />I. H. Eiynck <br />Adolph Olson <br />Gordon Rheaume <br />Leo Jarombek <br />P. Johnstone <br />De8n Haes <br /> <br />6.75 <br />98.90 <br />30.59 <br />200.00 <br />60.00 <br />162.50 <br />208.33 <br />24.00 <br />67.50 <br />87.00 <br />76.00 <br />36.00 <br />39.00 <br />30.00 <br />30.00 <br />31.00 <br /> <br />Helen Franke <br />Catherine Lange <br />Bellis Bros. <br />N. S. Power Co. <br />Edw. 'Villmus <br />Ira Karon <br />Dr. M. S. Sekhon <br />Lorraine polanek <br />Herbert Lynch <br />Mil ton Bahneman <br />Lawrence Liedholm <br />Donald Rose <br />Edw. Weglei tner <br />AI Carrier <br />Jack Schmidt <br />Edw. Weglei tner <br /> <br />13.20 <br />46.10 <br />32.76 <br />45.L7 <br />60.00 <br />100.00 <br />25.00 <br />47.50 <br />67.50 <br />32.00 <br />9.00 <br />41.00 <br />40.00 <br />73.00 <br />7S.00 <br />12.75 <br /> <br />, <br />Þ Tollin <br />Maurice <br />Hohensteins Del.Serv. <br />Geo. S. Connor <br />Gee. Membrez <br />Frank Leinen <br />Chas. Moser <br />Lawrence Squires <br />John We.goner <br />Herbert Lynch <br />Ken Fabyanske <br />EugenE' Krause <br />Albert Mintz <br />Lawrence Squires <br />Jim Borden <br />Milner Cirley <br /> <br />82.80 <br />136.70 <br />217.99 <br />80.00 <br />60.00 <br />100.00 <br />72.00 <br />67.50 <br />69.00 <br />49.00 <br />33.00 <br />63.00 <br />43.00 <br />73.00 <br />75.00 <br />3,0.00 <br />