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24 B UDGET I MPLICATIONS <br />25 Staff received fourbids for this project. The low bid submittedbyFrattalone Companies, with the <br />26 amount of $252,787.75, is 31% higher than the engineer’s construction estimate of $192,425.00. After <br />27 reviewing the bids, staff believes the estimate was too low and that the actual cost of the project is <br />28 reflective of the bids. <br />29 The Brenner Pond improvements will be partially funded with Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed <br />30 District Cost Share Grant funds. The grant amount will be between $50,000 and $100,000 and will <br />31 reduce the City’s cost of the project accordingly. The City will know thefinal grant amount in early <br />32 May. The City also has $27,520 available in the Stormwater Impact Fund. This money was paid in by <br />33 the Met Council in lieu of having to install a stormwater project as part of their sanitary sewer work in <br />34 this neighborhood. <br />35 Even though the bid was above the engineer’s estimate, the total project is still within budget. For 2020, <br />36 the Storm Sewer Capital Improvement Budget included $800,000 for storm sewer replacement and water <br />37 quality improvements. Looking at other projects awarded or planned, the breakdown of capital expenses <br />38 will be between $150,000 and $200,000 under the annual budget depending on the grant amount from <br />39 the watershed. <br />2020 Storm Sewer Fund Capital Expense Budget <br />ProjectStorm CostStorm Cost <br />$50,000 Grant$100,000 Grant <br />2020 Drainage Improvements$ 205,267.00$ 155,267.00 <br />Storm Water Impact Fund$ 27,250.00$ 27,250.00 <br />Brenner Pond Landscaping (estimated)$ 30,000.00$ 30,000.00 <br />2020 PMP (awarded)$ 285,000.00$ 285,000.00 <br />Misc Projects$ 155,000.00$ 155,000.00 <br />Total Project Costs 2020$ 702,517.00 $ 652,517.00 <br />40 <br />41 Staff recommends awarding the bid for the project. This project is proposed to be funded by the Storm <br />42 Sewer Utility Fund, Stormwater Impact Fund, and grant funds. <br />43 This project is proposed to be completed by October of 2020. <br />44 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />45 Staff recommends approval of a resolution awarding contract for the 2020 Drainage Improvement <br />46 Project in the amount of $252,787.75 to Frattalone Companies. <br />47 R EQUESTED C OUNCIL A CTION <br />48 Approve resolution awarding contract for the 2020 Drainage Improvement Project in the amount of <br />49 $252,787.75to Frattalone Companies. <br />50 Prepared by: Jesse Freihammer, Assistant Public Works Director/City Engineer <br />Attachments: A: Resolution <br />B: Map of 2020 Drainage Improvement Project <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />