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Attachment B <br />Mr. Trudgeon noted the City has a decibel meter but there are phone apps that can <br />measure decibels, just not as accurate as a meter. He stated there is already a close <br />relationship with the user groups in the City so there is always constant feedback. <br />Councilmember Etten suggesting putting in ways to reduce the decibel level so <br />people know. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe thought 80 decibels was pretty low. There are a lot of factors to take <br />into account when decibel numbers are looked at. He thought the time duration is <br />something to look at along with directing the sound in sensible directions and to <br />help people figure out what level of amplification is needed at the events. Besides <br />the designated person who is responsible for the event side of things, there should <br />be some requirement of communicating to the neighbors the City contact person <br />for complaints during the event as well. <br /> <br />Mr. Trudgeon thought a better approach could be to look at exempting City events <br />or City supported events. It is really the non-City events where there is no control <br />along with limiting the decibel level to certain times of the day. He indicated he <br />will go back and talk to the user groups and bring this back for further discussion. <br /> <br /> <br />