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City Council Meeting Packets
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1/10/2022 12:47:37 PM
Creation date
1/10/2022 12:47:30 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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135 proposed consultant review and revise the document using their expertise. In addition, training <br />136 should be provided to staff on how to develop engagement techniques. As departments develop their <br />137 work plans for 2021, this should be a high priority and they should incorporate any additional <br />138 culturally relevant programming into existing activities/programs (such as Creative Crossroads <br />139 music series). In addition, if there are decisions that resident feedback could inform, staff should <br />140 plan for those using engagement best practices and an equity lens. <br />141 B UDGET I MPLICATIONS <br />142 1.Recommendation to hire a D&I Consultant: <br />143 a. Depending upon the final scope of work that is identified, a budget will be developed <br />144 and brought forward for Council approval that would include an estimated cost as <br />145 well as information from where funds could be allocated as this is an unbudgeted <br />146 expenditure. <br />147 2. Recommendation to allow Youth Commissioners to vote: <br />148 a. No budgetary implications <br />149 3. Recommendation to formally adopt Racial Equity Narrative <br />150 a.No budgetary implications <br />151 4. Recommendation to direct staff to incorporate culturally relevant prorgramming and <br />152 engagement best practices. <br />153 a. At this time there are no additional budget implications. If new, additional or changes <br />154 to programs require additional funds, those items will be brought forward by staff for <br />155 council consideration. <br />156 b. In order to incorporate additional training for staff and/or others (Council, <br />157 Commissions, etc.) on engagement best practices, additional funding would be <br />158 needed. These funds are not included in the proposed City Manager’s recommended <br />159 budget for 2021. Depending on the scope and number of employees that would need <br />160 training would inform the budgetary impacts. <br />161 E QUITY I MPACT <br />162 The recommendations from the Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission focus <br />163 heavily on moving the needle on the city’s equity work as it relates to not only racial equity, but also <br />164 other areas of equity (such as youth). <br />165 <br />166 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />167 1. Recommendation to hire a D&I Consultant: Staff supports the Commission’s <br />168 recommendation to hire a consultantand would ask that Council direct staff to develop a <br />169 more formal Scope of Work as part of a Request for Proposal (RFP). The scope of work <br />170 could inform staff on significant steps to move the work on equity forward, would allow <br />171 additional resources to focus on this work and would see the consultant as creating a solid <br />172 foundation for more sustainable actions. Staff would bring back the RFP for Council <br />173 consideration that includes a budget as well. <br />174 2. Recommendation on Youth Commissioners: Provide direction to staff on Youth <br />175 Commissioners and voting. It should be noted that the current city code does not allow for <br />176 Youth Commissioners to vote. Therefore if Council wishes to make a change, staff would <br />177 bring forward an ordinance amendment at a future meeting. <br />178 3. Recommendation on Equity Narrative:Should Council desire to formally adopt the Racial <br />179 Equity Narrative as outlined above, staff can bring forward a resolution at a future meeting <br />180 for adoption. <br />Page 4 of 5 <br /> <br />
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