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Attachment H <br />Finance Commission Minutes <br />September 8, 2020 Î Draft Minutes <br />Page 6 of 10 <br /> <br />225 Ms. Pietrick indicated that has not happened yet. The action the Commission previously took <br />226 was strictly on the CIP. <br />227 <br />228 Chair Murray explained he misunderstood the question. Any recommendation the Commission <br />229 would be making on the budget would either be an endorsement or not an endorsement of the <br />230 City ManagerÓs budget. <br />231 <br />232 Ms. Pietrick explained if the Commission feels strongly about something the Commission can <br />233 make a recommendation to the Council. <br />234 <br />235 Chair Murray invited the Commissioners to come to the City Council meeting to discuss Police <br />236 Officers. <br />237 <br />238 Commissioner Reif indicated he would be there. <br />239 <br />240 Ms. Pietrick noted the City Council meetings are virtual starting at 6:00 p.m. <br />241 <br />242 Commissioner Reif asked if the Commission could recommend most of the City ManagerÓs <br />243 budget but would like to see three Police Officers added for the request made by the Chief of <br />244 Police. <br />245 <br />246 Chair Murray indicated the Commission can make any recommendation it wants. <br />247 <br />248 Commissioner Sagisser explained he did not have enough information to recommend the <br />249 proposed budget either way on that specific issue and did not feel there is enough information <br />250 either way. <br />251 <br />252 Commissioner Reif thought where things are at in the Country and given that the Chief of Police <br />253 made the recommendation, he was in favor of adding the three Police Officers. <br />254 <br />255 Commissioner Davies indicated when Ms. Pietrick explained the preliminary levy, after <br />th <br />256 September 30 can be reduced but it cannot be increased. She thought it would make sense to <br />257 include the three officers and request some further information from the new Police Chief, the <br />258 need for that to be reviewed at the next Commission meeting. <br />259 <br />260 Commissioner Reif explained if the timetable is looked at it shows adoption of this on September <br />st <br />261 21, which means there is not another chance for the Finance Commission to review this again <br />262 before that adoption. <br />263 <br />264 Ms. Pietrick indicated that was correct. <br />265 <br />266 Chair Murray explained the Finance Commission could recommend three police officers be <br />267 added to the budget and then next month after review, that police officers could be removed if <br />268 need be or could be reduced in numbers. <br />269 <br /> <br />