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Attachment H <br />Finance Commission Minutes <br />September 8, 2020 Î Draft Minutes <br />Page 7 of 10 <br /> <br />270 Commissioner Reif thought the three police officers should be added into the budget and get <br />271 more information from the new Police Chief. <br />272 <br />273 Commissioner Barclay thought from his own perspective, looking at the height of crime and all <br />274 of the things happening, having additional Police Officers added to what the City has makes a lot <br />275 of sense but he thought having more information as to why from the current Police Chief would <br />276 be helpful. <br />277 <br />278 Commissioner Reif moved, seconded by Commissioner Davies, to accept the City Manager <br />279 Recommended Budget and Tax Levy adding three Police Officer positions be added to the City <br />280 ManagerÓs proposed 2021 budget. <br />281 <br />282 Chair Murray wondered if it would be wiser to not specify a number, maybe revise to say, Ðas <br />283 recommended by the Police ChiefÑ. <br />284 <br />285 Commissioner Reif indicated he would be agreeable to that. <br />286 <br />287 Ms. Pietrick thought the corresponding tax increase for the Police Officers should be added to <br />288 the motion as well. <br />289 <br />290 Commissioner Sagisser thought maybe the recommendation would be to simply set the budget at <br />291 the level that would pay for those officers and request further evaluation. <br />292 <br />293 Chair Murray asked if Commissioner Sagisser would like to make an amendment to the motion. <br />294 <br />295 Commissioner Sagisser offered his previous statement as a friendly amendment. <br />296 <br />297 Commissioner Reif indicated he would like to leave his motion the way it was. <br />298 <br />299 Chair Murray indicated before he voted he hesitated to send a recommendation to the City <br />300 Council that is not strongly endorsed by them. As a matter of fact, as far as he knew the <br />301 Commission has never sent a recommendation that was not unanimously supported. <br />302 <br />303 Commissioner Bester indicated he continued to feel at a loss without a definitive statement from <br />304 the Chief of Police. <br />305 <br />306 Commissioner Sagisser explained that is why he worded his revision the way he did because he <br />307 did not have an opinion and there is not enough information for him to make a decision. He <br />308 thought a more definitive statement is needed. <br />309 <br />310 The motion failed due to a split vote. Ayes: Reif, Barclay, Davies. Nay: Bester, Sagisser, <br />311 Murray. <br />312 <br />313 Chair Murray explained he would like to craft a motion in order to get a unanimous decision and <br />314 would help present the proposal to the Council if the Commission would all agree. <br /> <br />