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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: September 21, 2020 <br />Item No.: 7.c <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Civic Campus Master Plan Update <br />1 B ACKGROUND <br />th <br />2 On January 6, 2020, the City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with BKV <br />3 Group for the Civic Campus Master Plan. <br />4 The Master Plan project was started with the realization that there are long-term space needs, <br />5 particularly for the License Center and the Maintenance Facility, that will eventually need to be <br />6 addressed. Council members and City staff recognized that this shouldn’t be done in a vacuum <br />7 looking at only those particular needs, and any action to address that should be done with some <br />8 overall plan for the entire campus, now referred to as the Civic Campus. It is important that an <br />9 action to address the License Center long term not prohibit or limit action to address the <br />10 Maintenance Facility needs, and vice versa. It was also important to review what future needs may <br />11 occur at City Hall, and if any of those needs could be addressed at the same time that we address the <br />12 other facilities’ needs. <br />13 It is important to note that there are no planned major improvements or expansions in the City’s <br />14 Capital Improvement Plan or any other planning document. The City is currently spending over <br />15 $60,000 per year for various leased space to address seasonal storage needs. At some point, the City <br />16 would like to address those needs with City-owned space. With the new Fairview Community <br />17 Center, the City has also lost storage for recreational activities and affiliated association storage. <br />18 These are additional needs that should be addressed long term. <br />19 Once this plan is completed, staff will eventually start planning for some capital improvements and <br />20 expansions, but only after considerable discussions with the City Council and the public. A major <br />21 component of those discussions would be how to fund those improvements. <br />22 P ROJECT U PDATE <br />th <br />23 On May 18, 2020, Council received a presentation with the first preliminary concepts. City staff <br />24 and BKV took feedback from that meeting and compiled additional concepts for review and <br />th <br />25 comment by the Council which were presented to the Council at their July 20 meeting. <br />26 A public engagement effort was also started in late June with direct mailings to residents adjacent to <br />27 the Civic Campus and an online survey for the general public to complete. The survey used very <br />28 general questions to first familiarize the public with the concept of the Civic Campus and to generate <br />29 general feedback from the public. Over 150 people completed the survey. The results of the survey <br />th <br />30 were presented at the July 20 meeting. <br />31 Since July, staff has been working with the consultant to refine the previously presented concepts <br />32 and also to conduct a second round of on-line engagement for the project. The online engagement is <br />33 highlighted in the presentation attached. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br /> <br />