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34 A walking tour was also setup on campus to try to capture people walking through or around the <br />35 campus and inform them of the master plan project and encourage them to provide input. <br />36 Residents and businesses around the campus also received a direct mailing in order to direct them to <br />37 the project website and the interactive website. Staff has had direct communications with business <br />38 owners in the retail center, the VFW and management at the Lexington Apartments complex. <br />39 The website will remain active until the final draft is presented to the City Council. Any additional <br />40 input will be incorporated into the report and reported to the Council at that next touchpoint. <br />41 The concepts presented in July have been refined and analyzed for staging benefits and costs. The <br />42 costs being presented are very conceptual costs and are intended to provide a budgetary and high- <br />43 end cost. It should also be noted that with the exception of reusing a portion of the existing <br />44 Maintenance Facility and some cost savings with that proposition, the costs of the individual <br />45 components (i.e. building a new License Center or a vehicle storage area) are essentially equal <br />46 between each concept. <br />47 The staging opportunities and challenges will be highlighted in the presentation along with the <br />48 overall costs of various components of the master plan. <br />49 It is anticipated a final report will be presented to the Council sometime in November. <br />50 F INANCIAL I MPACTS <br />51 Preliminary cost estimates for the various concepts are being presented with the refined concepts. <br />52 The cost of constructing a new Maintenance Facility, as shown within this master plan, will likely be <br />53 somewhere between $23-29 million. The License Center and VFW could cost upwards of $10 <br />54 million (the VFW has a slightly higher cost than the License Center due to the kitchen and other <br />55 specialty space). Proposed improvements to the City Hall could be as high as $11 million. <br />56 These costs include some fairly significant “soft costs” such as design, contingencies, etc. that <br />57 should be able to be refined, and hopefully reduced, during an actual final design process. <br />58 There are currently no planned improvements or capital expenditures as a result of this study. <br />59 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />60 Receive an update on the City Campus Master Plan from staff and BKV Group and provide <br />61 feedback on the information presented. <br />62 R EQUESTED C OUNCIL A CTION <br />63 Receive an update on the City Campus Master Plan from staff, BKV Group and Zan Associates and <br />64 provide feedback on the information presented. <br />Prepared by: Marc Culver, Public Works Director <br />Attachments: A: Presentation <br /> B: Public Comments <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />