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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 14, 2020 <br />Page 2 <br />made to the Council based on action. She noted that Youth Commissioners are not <br />the taxpayer and asked at what point do the numbers not work if the City is open to <br />adding more Youth Commissioners. <br />Mayor Roe stated this was something he had thought about and one approach that <br />could be taken is to have Youth Commissioner votes be advisory votes and not <br />official votes in the count of the tally, noting there are pluses and minuses to that <br />approach but it is one way to deal with it. Another thing is that certainly in the case <br />of the Planning Commission or actions before the Parks and Recreation Commis- <br />sion, such as recommending park dedication and those type of things that have <br />some fairly significant ramifications, the City could outline in the Ordinance that <br />those are the types of votes that Youth Commissioners cannot vote on. But the <br />Youth Commissioners could vote on other items with a broad consensus already on <br />the Commission. The other approach would be all advisory or no voting at all. He <br />thought some type of hybrid would make sense, but he was not sure how to get <br />there. <br /> <br />Councilmember Groff indicated having served on a Commission, it is really helpful <br />to have continuity on the Commission with Youth Commissioners. If the Youth <br />Commissioner is changed every year, their experience is not as valuable to a Com- <br />mission. He did not think it was as valuable to an individual either and preferred <br />having a longer renewal for the Youth Commissioners. He did not think any of the <br />Commissions had multiple Youth Commissioners at this time. <br /> <br />Ms. Olson noted currently the Parks Commission has two Youth Commissioners, <br />the Public Works Commission has one, and the HRIEC has one. <br /> <br />Councilmember Groff did not think the Commissions would have the majority of <br />Commissioners youths. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe noted the current Ordinance states up to two Youth Commissioners on <br />a Commission. <br />Councilmember Willmus agreed with Councilmember Groff. He thought most of <br />the items at the Commission level, removing the Planning Commission, are largely <br />consensus items that are before the Advisory Commissions. He would be curious <br />how a hybrid voting system would work. He would also be interested in legal <br />counsel input on whetheror not this is a good idea. <br /> <br />City Attorney Gaughan indicated his input is in the staff report but he would <br />strongly recommend not committing youth votes on the Planning Commission or <br />when it comes to park dedication on the Parks Commission. Those are matters <br />often times with significant legal ramifications and legal competency issue and also <br />as a policy matter, not wanting to place youth in certain situations. He indicated <br />the other Commissions are advisory commissions and it is not necessarily a legal <br /> <br />