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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 14, 2020 <br />Page 3 <br />liability issue, it is more again if the City wants to place youth, as a matter of policy, <br />in a position to have to take into account those sorts of considerations, even if it is <br />up to the City’s Ethics Code. <br />Mayor Roe agreed with City Attorney Gaughan. He thought that Youth Commis- <br />sioners who do not wish to vote, should be given the option to abstain from a vote, <br />rather than not allowing that Youth Commissioner to vote. <br />Councilmember Groff thought if Youth Commissioners were going to be included <br />in voting, the Youth Commissioners should attend the Ethics training or at least <br />understand that part of it. He thought that would be a good thing for them to do <br />because it would be a good civics lesson for them. He thought the plus outweighs <br />the negative. <br />Councilmember Laliberte agreed. She wondered if even though Ms. Olson ap- <br />proached the Youth Commissioners about talking to their parents, going forward <br />when the Council is appointing a Youth Commissioner who will have the ability to <br />vote, shouldn’t there be some process or acknowledgement by the parent that the <br />Youth is in this position. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe thought that made sense. <br /> <br />Ms. Olson indicated she was actually going to defer to the City Attorney to see if <br />there was something that should be added to the Youth Commissioner application <br />so the parent sign to allow the youth to enter into this process. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe wondered if it might be more in the form of a disclaimer than permis- <br />sion. <br /> <br />Councilmember Laliberte thought a disclaimer would be something the student <br />would be signing and acknowledging and again, is not engaging the parent. The <br />only reason she is bringing this up is because there could be a decision made that <br />divides the community,a Youth Commissioner may not consider or think about the <br />ramifications, and then there could be fallout that the family would have to deal <br />with. She knew this would be rare but thought it was something the family should <br />be aware of as a possibility. <br /> <br />Councilmember Etten thinksa disclaimer would need a signoff for a parent or <br />guardian. Certainly, there have been controversial things before, for example with <br />the HRIEC and strong input from the community,which is an important thing to <br />acknowledge if this moves forward. He thought a disclaimer should talk about <br />voting but also about the person being involved in this information. <br /> <br />