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139 OfficerIntegrityAct-The MCPA supports legislation allowing for a MinnesotaLicensed <br />140 Peace Officer to be terminated from public employment without opportunity to challenge the <br />141 remedy of termination should the basis for termination be willful or intentional dishonesty, <br />142 deception, or similar unethical orillegal conduct that is deemed sufficient to imperil <br />143 theircredibility in court testimony. The MCPA does not supportlimiting an officer’s due <br />144 process right to arbitration. <br />145 <br />146 Suggested Legislative Policy <br />147 The City of Roseville supports reforms to Minnesota’s labor arbitration and employment laws for <br />148 police officers to allow for greaterobjectivity and accountability in grievance and disciplinary <br />149 matters. <br />150 <br />151 Additional Affordable Housing Funding Affordable housing remains a great need for residents and <br />152 communities throughout Minnesota. The need is especially acute among person of color due to <br />153 systemic and structural racism in the financial and housing sectors and the federal, state, and local <br />154 governmental regulatory framework. Additional funding to allow for more people in need to access <br />155 affordable housing as well as a full-range of housing types and options are needed to address the <br />156 affordable housing crisis. <br />157 <br />158 Suggested Legislative Policy <br />159 The City of Roseville supports additional funding to meet affordable housing needs in Minnesota. <br />160 The City of Roseville also supports programs and funding for affordable housing that specially <br />161 addresses the needs of persons of color in securing affordable housing. <br />162 <br />163 Support of Equal Rights Amendment In 1973, the State of Minnesota ratified an amendment to the <br />164 U.S.Constitution (known as the Equal Rights Amendment \[ERA\]) that stated that men and women <br />165 shall have equal protection under the law. The ERA amendment was never ratified by enough states <br />166 to amend theU.S. Constitution. Last session, SF 3108 was introduced that would amend the <br />167 Minnesota Constitution after approval by voters in a statewide referendum that asked: “Shall the <br />168 Minnesota Constitution be amended to provide that equality under the law must not be abridged or <br />169 denied on account of sex”. It is expected a similar bill will be introduced this session. <br />170 <br />171 Suggested Legislative Policy <br />172 The City of Roseville supports legislation that proposes a voter referendum for an amendment to the <br />173 Minnesota Constitution that provides equal protection under the law regardless of gender. <br />174 <br />175 Increase in fees allocated to local Deputy Registrars. This was a city legislative priority in 2019 <br />176 and the Legislature did approve a fee increase during that session. However, additional increases are <br />177 needed due to the impact of COVID-19 and the rollout of the new statewide licensing system by the <br />178 State, which puts more work burden on Deputy Registrar staff. Metro Cities has a direct legislative <br />179 policy advocating for increasesin fees and more equitable sharing of state fees in orderto help local <br />180 Deputy Registrars fund operations. (AttachmentE). In addition, the Minnesota Deputy Registrars <br />181 Association, supports HF 54, introduced by Representative Steve Elkins of Bloomington that calls <br />182 for the increase of fees for driver license and tab renewals. (Attachment F). <br />183 <br />184 Suggested Legislative Policy <br />185 The City of Roseville supports legislation that will increase the filing fees retained by Deputy <br />186 Registrars to an amount sufficient to offset the costs of providing licensing activities on behalf of the <br />187 State of Minnesota. <br />Page 5 of 6 <br /> <br />