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102 <br />103 <br />104 Suggested Legislative Policy <br />105 The City of Roseville supports any legislation that only allows the sale catalytic convertors to scrap <br />106 metal dealers from auto repair or recycling businesses and that restricts individual from selling <br />107 catalytic convertors directly to scrap metal dealers. In addition, Roseville supports a requirement to <br />108 have serial numbers on a catalytic convertors for tracking purposes. <br />109 <br />110 Mental Health Funding in Public Safety A growing number of Roseville Police Department calls <br />111 involve a mental health crisis component. All Roseville Police Officers complete 40 hours of Crisis <br />112 Intervention Team training to better understand mental health crises and how to de-escalatethese <br />113 type of situations. In addition, the City of Roseville partially funds a community case worker with <br />114 Northeast Youth and Family Services. The community case worker works with individuals referred <br />115 to the NYFS by the Roseville Police Department and helps the referred individual receiveaccess to <br />116 resources that address their needs. Despite these efforts, additional resources must be made on a <br />117 state-wide level to better equip public safety in dealing with mental health crises and to provide for <br />118 better outcomes and resources for persons suffering mental health issues. <br />119 <br />120 Suggested Legislative Policy <br />121 The City of Roseville supports state funding to provide local governments financial assistance to <br />122 implement co-responder or crisis-response teams to respond to incidents for persons who are in a <br />123 mental health crisis or interactions with persons that have developmental, physical, or intellectual <br />124 disabilities. In addition, the City of Roseville supports additional state funding for additional police <br />125 officer training in de-escalation tactics and skills that can be used when responding to a person in <br />126 crisis. <br />127 <br />128 Police Arbitration Reform In the last year there has been a lot of focus regarding police officer <br />129 discipline and the use of arbitrators to resolve police office discipline and employment issues after a <br />130 critical incident. Often the arbitrator rules against the city’s disciplinary action and the community’s <br />131 wishes andas a resultreduces the discipline and/or reinstates the officer to duty. <br />132 <br />133 The Minnesota Police Chief’s Association(MPCA) have identified two legislative priorities related <br />134 to police arbitration reform. They are: <br />135 <br />136 Arbitration Revision Act - The MPCA supports creating a more objective arbitration process <br />137 by having the Office of Administrative Hearingshandle all police officer termination <br />138 grievances. <br />Page 4 of 6 <br /> <br />