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Attachment A <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 4, 2021 <br />Page 19 <br />804 area than just Roseville. He stated having that research done would be helpful for <br />805 him. <br />806 <br />807 Mayor Roe indicated along the lines of local projects for sales tax, he thought one <br />808 of the areas the Council knows is a constant issue is the Snelling and County Road <br />809 C area if there is a way to wrap that into the analysis and discussion besides <br />810 Rosedale. That area is very difficult, especially for commuter traffic in all direc- <br />811 tions but also pedestrian traffic specifically. He thought that would be something <br />812 to not overlook in the process. <br />813 <br />814 Councilmember Groff explained when talking about pedestrian traffic, one of the <br />815 frustrations of living south of Highway 36 is how difficult it is to get to the other <br />816 side of Highway 36. That is one thing he would like a little input and research done <br />817 on. <br />818 <br />819 Mayor Roe thanked Councilmember Strahan for providing her thoughts at the end <br />820 of last year and wondered if the Council wanted to weigh in on any of the items as <br />821 a Council. He stated it seemed sensible to him to have a resolution of support for <br />822 the catalytic converter legislation. He thought the community was definitely im- <br />823 pacted by that with all of the thefts and anything that can be done to deter the ability <br />824 to sell anything stolen will help in that regard. In terms of looking at housing and <br />825 affordable housing, he thought the Council had identified that as a priority in the <br />826 city and to the extent there are opportunities to support additional funding from the <br />827 State. He is supportive of adding that as a legislative priority from the City. In <br />828 terms of public safety, he thought the Council should look at supporting additional <br />829 funding for mental health services for the community and thought it could go a long <br />830 way to reducing the cost to provide public safety services because the CityÓs offic- <br />831 ers can be focused in other areas as well as the firefighters and emergency medical <br />832 teams. Also, in terms of outcomes, he thought it made sense to support additional <br />833 funding, adequate funding, for the judicial system. <br />834 <br />835 Councilmember Strahan explained she has spoken with Senator Marty as well as <br />836 Representative Hausman and Senator Isaacson regarding catalytic converters and <br />837 quite frankly, Senator Isaacson was not aware of the degree to which the catalytic <br />838 converter issue is plaguing the City. When Senator Isaacson heard of this, he indi- <br />839 cated he would sign on this bill with Senator Marty. She thought there was interest <br />840 and knew that Representative Hausman was interested in pursuing something like <br />841 this. She noted it was important to provide adequate funding for affordable housing <br />842 because this is a racial and equity issue and home ownership has a great disparity <br />843 in the funding, which the City does not see only as an affordable housing issue but <br />844 also sees as an equity and inclusion aspect and how this is marketed and attracts <br />845 people to work in that regard. With any policing changes, unfortunately, one bad <br />846 situation could change where the City sits at any time so anything the City can do <br />847 to prevent, is always going to make them feel a little bit better about the system. <br />848 <br /> <br />