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Attachment A <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 4, 2021 <br />Page 20 <br />849 Councilmember Willmus indicated he would like to learn a little more about the <br />850 current catalytic converter laws as far as recyclers and things like that. He under- <br />851 stood that in the past few years, there were some changes and there is fairly strin- <br />852 gent documentation required for someone from Minnesota who is bringing in a cat- <br />853 alytic converter, in terms of identification, how those people are paid, and things <br />854 like that. He would like to know more about what is currently there and have more <br />855 background. <br />856 <br />857 Councilmember Strahan indicated what she knows is that the City of St. Paul at- <br />858 tempted to have something, but they were too localized, so people just went outside <br />859 the City of St. Paul. She believed the focus is that a lot of these items are going <br />860 online. This is looking at larger issues and trying to get manufacturers to stamp <br />861 them with the VIN number, but thought this should include the entire State. <br />862 <br />863 Mayor Roe noted that more information at the next discussion would be helpful. <br />864 <br />865 Councilmember Etten indicated he would certainly support some of these items. <br />866 He stated as the Council looks at what the priorities are, he wants to make sure these <br />867 are focused on Roseville. He indicated the City has done a lot of work with adjust- <br />868 ing and changing the Police Department and it is ongoing. Any help from the State <br />869 to do that or expand would be great and he would be supportive of that. He noted <br />870 that transportation funding has been discussed and the City is working with the Met <br />871 Council on the Rice Creek Corridor, which certainly fits the list and serving people <br />872 of color and different racial disparities, giving excellent access to jobs going into <br />873 St. Paul and other directions. Those are things he would support. <br />874 <br />875 Councilmember Groff thanked Councilmember Strahan for bringing her thoughts <br />876 forward. He stated he would not have a problem with any of her items on the list. <br />877 He thought the other item, the equal rights amendment, does not seem like it affects <br />878 Roseville, but it really does. It affects all of the community and is a no-nonsense <br />879 bill that should be supported. <br />880 <br />881 g. Receive Update on COVID-19 and Impact on City Operations <br />882 City Manager Patrick Trudgeon briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the Re- <br />883 quest for Council Action and related attachments dated January 4, 2021. <br />884 <br />885 9. Approve Minutes <br />886 Comments and corrections to draft minutes had been submitted by the City Council prior <br />887 to tonightÓs meeting and those revisions were incorporated into the draft presented in the <br />888 Council packet. <br />889 <br />890 a. Approve November 30, 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes <br />891 Etten moved, Groff seconded, approval of the November 30, 2020 City Council <br />892 Meeting Minutes as presented. <br />893 <br /> <br />