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Page 1 of 2 <br />EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of 1 <br />Roseville, County of Ramsey, Minnesota, was held on the 22nd day of February 2021 at 6:00 p.m. 2 <br />The following Council Members were present: _________; 3 <br />and _____ were absent. 4 <br />Council Member _____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: 5 <br />RESOLUTION NO. ___ 6 <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PROPOSED ‘THE ENCLAVE AT MCCARRONS LAKE’ 7 <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SUBDIVISION VARIANCE (PF20-029) 8 <br />WHEREAS, Airborne McCarrons, LLC has submitted a valid application for approval of a 9 <br />subdivision variance and the proposed ‘The Enclave at McCarrons Lake’ preliminary plat of the 10 <br />property addressed as 196 – 210 S McCarrons Boulevard on behalf of the property owner, Matthias 11 <br />Schlosser; and 12 <br />WHEREAS, the property included in the proposed ‘The Enclave at McCarrons Lake’ plat 13 <br />comprises Ramsey County Parcel Identification Numbers: 14 <br />13-29-23-44-0002 (196 S McCarrons Boulevard) 15 <br />13-29-23-44-0035 and 13-29-23-44-0038 (210 S McCarrons Boulevard 16 <br />WHEREAS the proposed subdivision conforms to all of the applicable standards of the City of 17 <br />Roseville zoning and subdivision codes except that the length of the proposed cul-de-sac street exceeds 18 <br />the maximum length established in §1103.02.F of the City Code; and 19 <br />WHEREAS, the Roseville Planning Commission held the duly noticed public hearing for this 20 <br />application on February 3, 2021, and having closed said public hearing, voted unanimously to 21 <br />recommend approval of the proposed preliminary plat and subdivision variance based on the public 22 <br />record and the Planning Commission’s deliberation with certain conditions; and 23 <br />WHEREAS, The Roseville City Council has made the following findings pertaining to the 24 <br />nonconforming length of the cul-de-sac street pursuant to §1102.02.C of the City Code, which mandates 25 <br />that the City make four specific findings as a prerequisite for approving a subdivision variance: 26 <br />1. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposal is generally consistent with 27 <br />the Comprehensive Plan because it represents the Comprehensive Plan’s goals of providing a variety 28 <br />of housing types in the community. 29 <br />2. The proposal is in harmony with the purposes and intent of the zoning and subdivision ordinances. 30 <br />The purposes and intent of the subdivision ordinance as it applies to the length of a cul-de-sac street 31 <br />is to ensure there are adequate ingress/egress provisions for emergency response vehicles and that 32 <br />the new residents of the proposed development have a robust connection to the city’s transportation 33 <br />network. The proposal is in harmony with these purposes of the subdivision ordinance because most 34 <br />of the residential lots themselves are within 500 feet (i.e., the maximum length of a cul-de-sac street) 35 <br />of Galtier Street, and those which are further from Galtier Street abut the proposed Marion Street 36 <br />RCA Attachment F <br />Page 3 of 8