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1/13/2022 2:14:07 PM
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1/13/2022 2:12:59 PM
Roseville City Council
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50 included with this RCA as part of Attachment D. Staff has also received additional emails from nearby <br />51 homeowners after the open house process; these emails are also included in Attachment D. <br />52 Planning Division staff has reviewed theproposal to develop the subject property with 20 single-family, <br />53 detached townhomesto determine if the proposed land use map change from LR to MR at 196 S <br />54 McCarrons Boulevard is supported by the Goals and Policies of Roseville’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan. <br />55 Chapter 4: Land Use <br />56 This chapter includes several goals and strategies that are essentially instructions to revise the City’s <br />57 zoning and other regulations to achieve particular ends. As such, a strategy might simultaneously <br />58 promote increasing housing density and preserving neighborhood character, which can seem <br />59 contradictory in light of a proposal like the one being reviewed. Nevertheless, applicable Land Use <br />60 strategies are as follows. <br />61 Create flexible development standards for new residential developments that allow innovative <br />62 development patterns and more efficient densities that protect and enhance the character, <br />63 stability, and vitality of residential neighborhoods. <br />64 Develop zoning regulations and policies to provide for a variety of housing types and densities to <br />65 support a wide range of housing alternatives for current and future residents. This includes <br />66 housing types that are sensitive to the cultural diversity of the city. <br />67 Chapter 5: Housing <br />68 The following housing-related goals and policies are relevant to the proposed development. <br />69 <br />70 <br />71 demographics of the City), and opportunities to address the lack of housing in the “missing <br />72 <br />73 The proposal doesn’t address the non-traditional, missing-middle, or culturally-appropriate <br />74 aspects of this goal, but the smaller lots will limit the size of homes that can be built compared to <br />75 new homes on standard single-family lots. <br />76 Meet increased demand for senior housing and opportunities for residents to age in place. <br />77 The proposed development is not necessarily restricted to seniors, but the anticipated residential <br />78 amenities tend to be particularly attractive to seniors. <br />79 In 2018, Roseville’s Economic Development Authority hired Maxfield Research, Inc. to update the <br />80 City’s Comprehensive Housing Needs Analysis to inform the housing policies in the 2040 <br />81 Comprehensive Plan as well as the objectives in the City Council’s Policy Priority Plan. This housing <br />82 needs analysis includes following conclusions, which are relevant to the proposed project. <br />83 There is an identified need for 110 new, for-sale single family units between 2018-2030 (page <br />84 131). <br />85 Fifty-five percent of the 110-unit need will be for “twin homes, detached villas, townhomes or <br />86 (page 113). <br />87 -outs and slab on grade for the <br />88 empty-nester market. This also discusses that price is often the deterrent to realizing these units <br />89 (page 143-144). <br />90 The observed price deterrent reflects the fact that high development costs tend to prevent projects <br />91 from being brought to market if the prices for the resulting homes are higher than the market will <br />92 bear. By contrast, a project like the current proposal that survives to the completion of the <br />7b RCA UPDATED <br />Page 3 of 13 <br /> <br />
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