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32 past few months than what would have been possible without the GreenCorps member. <br />33 In order to continue the work and momentum of the current GreenCorps member, City staff would <br />34 like to apply for a GreenCorps member for the 2021-2022 time period. <br />35 If we are successful with our application, the Minnesota GreenCorps member will be supervised by <br />36 the Environmental Manager, and will be a core figure in helping Roseville lower Greenhouse Gas <br />37 Emissions. The projects that the member will work on are: <br />38 Continuing the voluntary private energy benchmarking program that is being <br />39 established by our current MN GreenCorps Member (on going) <br />40 Fleet Electrification and prioritization <br />41 Assist with Xcel Energy’s Partners in Energy (PIE) Program (on going) <br />42 Add additional public buildings into B3 Benchmarking and prioritize buildings for <br />43 solar and/or other sustainable improvements (on going) <br />44 Coordinate with Ramsey County and Ramsey County cities on sustainability goals <br />45 and efforts (on going) <br />46 F INANCIAL I MPACTS <br />47 There is no capital outlay for the GreenCorps position. The financial impacts are limited to <br />48 administration costs and staff supervision for the 11-month period. The City did procure some <br />49 additional mobile technology in order to support our current GreenCorps member and allow them to <br />50 work remotely. The same equipment would be used for the next GreenCorps member, if we are <br />51 successful with our application. The City spent approximately $2,500 on computer equipment and <br />52 software licenses to support the current GreenCorps member. <br />53 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />54 Staff recommends the Council approve resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for a Minnesota <br />55 GreenCorps Member. <br />56 R EQUESTED C OUNCIL A CTION <br />57 Approve resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for a Minnesota GreenCorps Member. <br />Prepared by: Ryan Johnson, Environmental Manager <br />Attachments: A: Resolution <br /> <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />