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Minnesota Department of Commerce <br />Commerce Fraud Bureau <br />Application Content <br />Applicantsmust submit the following in order forthe application to be considered complete: <br />Automobile Theft Prevention Grant Project Information Sheet (Form 1). This form details the <br />service area and contact information for the applicant agency should the program receive funding. <br />Automobile Theft Prevention Grant Project Overview(Form 1a). This form provides a description <br />of the proposed project and anticipated results. <br />Automobile Theft Prevention Grant Project Needs Assessment/Planning Process/Demonstrated <br />Results (Form 1b). This form provides statistical information related to the service area. It also <br />provides information regarding the nature of auto theft in the service area, how it affects the <br />community, the planning process and considerations regarding the problem and the need for funds. <br />The text boxes will expand as you type, do not exceed 2 pages. <br />Work Plan (Form 2). Copy and use separate pages for each objective. Thisform details the <br />objectives the agency intends to achieve along with the specific activities it will take to achieve <br />them, as well as the way it measures success. If awarded grant funds,the agency may be required <br />to collect and report additional information. Although a reduction in overall auto theft is the <br />ultimate goals, other measures, such as increased or faster recover rates of stolen vehicle, increases <br />in the number of prosecutions, reductions in recidivism, and better clearance rates should also be <br />considered as related to the particular program objective. <br />Budget (Form 3). This portion describes the planned expenses, although bids are not required to be <br />attached, an explanation of how budget amounts were determinedshould be included. Budget <br />items must support the work plan. In some cases, only a portion of grant proposal may be funded, <br />(for example an agency may request 4 ALPR, and only receive funding for 3, or a full-time position <br />request maybe offered at part-time) to the extent possible your proposal should show how items <br />are related, if not obvious you may include an explanation (for example cell service is necessary to <br />support bait car equipment.) <br />Letter of Commitment: Are required for multi-agency grants and cases where an application <br />requires cooperation for other entities. <br />If the grant applicant is a nongovernmental organizations, please submit the applicable financial <br />statementsas required inthe Office of Grants ManagementPolicy 08-06 <br />Please donot submit any other materials (binders, photos, etc.). Unrequested materials will not be <br />reviewed. <br />Application Submission: <br />All applications mustbe received no later than 4:30 p.m. Central Time, onApril 8, 2021. <br />Applications submitted after this deadline will not be reviewed. <br />Applications mustbe submitted by email to: <br />General Prevention Auto Theft Grant Page 3 of 8 <br /> <br />