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Minnesota Department of Commerce <br />Commerce Fraud Bureau <br />Joseph Boche <br />Grant Manager <br />Commerce Fraud Bureau <br />th <br />Place East #100 <br />85 7 <br />St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 <br />Email: <br />Review Process and Timeline <br />The review committee will evaluate all eligible and complete applications received by the deadline. <br />Department of Commercewill review all committee recommendationsandis responsible for award <br />decisions. The award decisions of Department of Commerceare final and not subject to appeal. <br />RFP posted on the Department of Commerce web siteMarch 8, 2021 <br />Questions due no later than 4:30 pm Central TimeMarch 29, 2021 <br />Responses posted and shared (no later than 4:30 pm Central Time) with those who April 1, 2021 <br />downloaded the RFP <br />Applications due no later than 4:30 pm Central timeApril 8, 2021 <br />Committee begins review of applicationsApril 9, 2021 <br />Committee submits funding recommendations to the CommissionerApril 23, 2021 <br />Selected grantees notified; grant agreement negotiations beginMay 3, 2021 <br />Work plans approved, grant contracts fully executed, and work beginsJuly 1, 2021 <br />General Requirements <br />Grant contract process. After being selected for funding, grants staff will work with the applicant to <br />finalize the budget and work plan. The formal grant contract will then be initiated, all signatures <br />obtained, and fully executed. It is then a legally binding agreementand work may begin. <br />Conditions. All certifications governing compliance with State requirements such as worker’s <br />compensation, data privacy, financial compliance, and affirmative action will be included as part of <br />the grant contract. <br />Resolution. There must be an original resolution from the governing body of the applicant agency <br />authorizing that entity and signatory to enter into a contract with the state. A fully executed <br />resolution must be submitted as part of the grant contract process. A sample resolution is available <br />upon request. <br />Memorandum of Understanding for Joint Applications. After being selected for funding, a <br />Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) must be submitted that is signed by all partner agencies <br />which delineates the role(s) of each partner in the project. <br />Reporting. Grantees will be required to submit quarterly reports in a prescribed manner and <br />cooperate with statewide evaluation efforts. <br />Grant payments. This is a cost reimbursement grant. Grantees will only be paid for eligible expenses <br />that are incurred and consistent with the negotiated budget, and only after the grant contract is <br />General Prevention Auto Theft Grant Page 4 of 8 <br /> <br />