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<br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Regular Meeting Tuesday, December 15, 1953, at 2:00 P.M. <br /> <br />L~l22 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members <br />present: Connor, Willmus, Carlson, Membrez and Hammersten, Milner <br />Carley, Village Engineer, was also present. <br /> <br />Willmus moved, Connor seconded, that the minutes of the last regular <br />meeting be accepted as they appeared in the copies given to the members <br />of the Council. Roll call Ayes....,(4) Nayes-(O). Membrez being tardy <br />did not vote. <br /> <br />Clerk read the petition to rezone the O'Gara property (County Rd. Band <br />Snelling Ave.). He also read the Zoning Board report which recommended <br />that the petition be granted as the adjacent property is already <br />zoned business and no objections to the rezoning were raised by the <br />adjoining property owners. <br /> <br />O'Gara Property <br />Rezoning <br /> <br />Mr. Brennan appeared representing Mr. otGara requesting the rezoning of <br />the property. No one appeared against the rezoning. <br />Ordinance #17~ be adoDted and <br />1 > <br />Hammersten moved, Carlson seconded, that/theEast on~half (E2) of the <br />Southeast oneMfourth (sEt) of the Southeast one-fourth (5EÌ) of the <br />Southeast one-fourth (SEt) of Section 9, Township 29, Range 23, be <br />rezoned from a Residential to a Business District. Roll Call Ayesø(5) <br />Nayes-( 0). <br /> <br />Clerk read the petition to rezone 180'x220' of Paper Calmenson property <br />from Farm Residence to Industrial District. Clerk also read Zoning <br />Board report stating no action by the Zoning Board is required.. <br /> <br />Paper Calmenson <br />Property <br />Rezoning <br /> <br />Claude Allen appeared for Paper Calmenson stating that the lSO'x220' <br />piece of their property which they request to be rezoned to Industrial <br />is now enclosed by a high fence and is rented by the Connelly Cartage <br />Company. <br /> <br />Ed Balzart, 1970 Walnut St. appeared against the petition. He stated <br />the building is now on Farm Residence property. He stated that at <br />the time Paper Calmenson built their plant that they had agreed to <br />keeping 500 ft. of their property as a buffer to the industrial area. <br />It is not the building that is objectionable but the trucks and the <br />actions thereof, etc. Their actions are sporadic until midnight. <br /> <br />Mr. Allen claimed only about once a week would there be repair work or <br />trucks loading there. It is not a public nuisance as it does not <br />interfer with any heavy traffic. <br /> <br />Membrez said the Council realized that the building was erected through <br />an error without a building permit. He asked if it actually is a nuisance <br />as it is. Does it depreciate your property? Does it creRte a lot of <br />noise? Would it be fair to leave it as is instead of asking to take <br />the building away? <br /> <br />Carlson said it was not the intention of the Council to let it slip by. <br />