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<br />Page 2 <br /> <br />The matter of the garage and breezeway built by WilliamReiling on 1188 <br />Garden Avenue was discussed. <br />Olson moved, seconded by Willmus, that the Clerk file a complaint against <br />Reiling for violating the building code and for not taking out a permit <br />before starting construction of the garage. Roll call Ayes*(S) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Olson moved, seconded by Carlson, that the Attorney draw up an ordinance <br />governing the licensing of Carpenters and Builders. Roll call Ayes-(5) <br />Naye....(O). <br /> <br />437 <br /> <br />1188 Garden. <br />Wm..Reiling <br /> <br />Licensing <br />Carp. &Bldrs. <br /> <br />Willmus moved, Carlson seconded, that Health Board members be paid $3.00 HealthBoard <br />per call when sent out by the Health Officer. Roll call Ayes...(5) Nay-es-(O). $3.00 <br /> <br />Willmus moved, Carlson seconded, that the Clerk's wages be increased Clerk $SO.oo <br />$50.00 per month effective February I, 1954. Roll call Ayes~(¡) Nayes-(O). Increase <br />Hammersten not voting. <br /> <br />Olson moved, seconded by Willmus, that Mrs. Hervin be employed as <br />Stenographer at $1.25 per hour effective Februar,y I, 1954, fGr 40 hours <br />per week. Roll call Ayes...(5) Nayes...(O). <br /> <br />Karon reported on law suit of Howard vs. Village of Roseville for Trailer <br />Park expansion at 36 and Victoria. He read the decision handed down by <br />Judge McNally saYing he could remain there and use the Whole area for <br />trailers. <br /> <br />After some discussion on the merits of the matter, it was suggested Karon <br />contact ___ _ Howard's lawyer asking him to amend the finding of the Judge <br />on the basis that we want to appeal te the Supreme Court. Karon said <br />he would do that by next Tuesday. By getting the finding amended, our <br />zoning ordinance would be protected. <br /> <br />Hammersten moved, seconded by Olson, that we adjourn. Roll call Ayes-(S) <br />Nayes...( 0). <br /> <br />7 e (/)~ <br /> <br />~~~. <br /> <br />MAYOR <br /> <br />CLERK <br /> <br />Hire Steno <br /> <br />Howard VS. <br />Village of <br />Roseville <br />