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Older Adults Month <br />May 2022 <br />Whereas:Roseville is home to many residents aged 60 years and older; and <br />Whereas:Older adults in Roseville are the roots from which our community has grown, <br />who bestow gifts of wisdom and insight upon younger generations and strengthen the bonds <br />between neighbors to create a better place to live; and <br />Whereas:The City of Roseville recognizes and focuses on older adults taking charge of <br />their health, getting engaged in their communities, and making positive impacts in the lives of <br />others: and <br />Whereas:Olderadults are productive, active and influential members of society, sharing <br />essential talents, wisdom and life experiences with families, friends and neighbors; and <br />Whereas:Our community can provide that recognition and respect by enriching the quality <br />of life for older adults by: <br />Increasing opportunities to remain in their communities as active and engaged citizens; <br />Providing services, technologies and support systems that allow older adults to foster and <br />maintain connections within the community; and <br />Emphasizing the value of older adults by publically recognizing their contributions to the <br />diversity, strength and unity of our community. <br />Now, Therefore Be It Resolved that the City Council hereby declare May 2022 to be Older <br />Adults Month in the City of Roseville, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, U.S.A. <br />Be it Further Resolved that we urge every citizen to honor our older adults and the <br />professionals, family members and volunteers who care for them. Our recognition of older adults <br />and their involvement in our lives can help us achieve stronger and more meaningful connections <br />with each other and enrich our community's quality of life. <br />In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Roseville <br />to be affixed this 25th day of April, 2022. <br />________________________ <br />MayorDaniel J. Roe <br /> <br />