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2022-4-5_PR_Comm Packet
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2022-4-5_PR_Comm Packet
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II. PURPOSE <br />The City of Roseville, Minnesota invites proposals from qualified consultants to conduct a community - <br />wide visioning process. In 2006, a community-wide visioning process resulted in the Imagine Roseville <br />2025 report and the development of Community Aspirations. As the demographics of the community <br />have changed since 2006, the City wishes to conduct a comprehensive public participation process to <br />collaborate with stakeholders to determine if the current Community Aspirations are relevant and <br />appropriate and make any additions or revisions as necessary. Additionally, the city is seeking to <br />collaborate with stakeholders to develop and prioritize specific outcomes that will demonstrate the City <br />is achieving the Community Aspirations. The City Council has indicated the importance of collaboration <br />with stakeholders to establish a foundation for the City’s Strategic Plan for the next 10-year period. <br /> <br />III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />The City of Roseville seeks to retain a highly qualified consultant experienced in public participation <br />methods and facilitation with diverse stakeholders. The visioning process must be inclusive and reach a <br />broad audience with the use of innovative and inclusive public participation efforts. A variety of <br />effective approaches must be included to ensure engagement with and participation by a broad and <br />deep cross section of the community. The consultant will have experience with the International <br />Association of Public Participation (IAP2) foundations, planning and techniques; experience facilitating <br />workshops and focus groups; as well as other strategies aimed at capturing widespread public input. <br />The City of Roseville intends to complete a city-wide visioning process. The process must include <br />extensive, diverse and effective engagement and participation of residents, youth and other key <br />stakeholders within the community. The intended outcome of the visioning process is to identify and <br />articulate Community Aspirations and to develop and prioritize specific outcomes the community <br />believes will demonstrate the City is achieving Community Aspirations. This process will serve as the <br />precursor to the development of a community-informed Strategic Plan with specific goals to achieve the <br />prioritized outcomes identified during the community visioning process to the maximum extent <br />possible. <br /> <br />The City is looking for a consultant team with sufficient experience to work effectively in a collaborative <br />framework with the public, youth, city commissions, business and industry representatives, service <br />clubs, non-profit organizations, school and city elected officials, staff and other stakeholders. The City is <br />looking for a blend of involvement and collaborative approaches that will engage stakeholders, and <br />particularly community members that typically are not engaged in civic or community dialogue, and <br />those of historically underrepresented backgrounds. <br /> <br />IV. SCOPE OF WORK <br />In addition to the items listed below, it is important that the consultant team remain cognizant of the <br />need for the project to establish and sustain credibility with stakeholders and decision-makers. <br />Additionally, this process will create a foundation the city can use as a stepping stone to further <br />relationships that are initiated during the process. It is essential that the selected team have a <br />3 | Page <br /> <br />
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