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2022-4-5_PR_Comm Packet
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2022-4-5_PR_Comm Packet
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foundational knowledge and understanding of the International Association of Public Participation <br />(IAP2) concepts, Spectrum of Participation, techniques and methods. The IAP2 model is what the City of <br />Roseville uses to design effective public participation opportunities. <br /> <br />The City seeks a consultant who can design and partner with the City Council, and stakeholders in a <br />process to review and renew Community Aspirations and develop and prioritize outcomes that <br />demonstrate how the city can be assured they are making progress toward the Community Aspirations. <br />The deliverables listed below provide a framework for the process, and while the consultant will be <br />expected to produce the following products and provide the following services, we encourage suggested <br />revisions relevant to the desired purpose and outcome outlined in Article II. <br />V.DELIVERABLES <br />1. Overall Process Design <br />The consultant will be expected to design and recommend a process to the City Council that <br />provides a detailed explanation of the visioning project process and more clearly defines roles, <br />tasks, timelines and responsibilities throughout the life of the project. <br /> <br />2. Develop and Implement a Public Involvement Plan <br />Develop and implement a plan to engage and involve the public using collaborative strategies <br />throughout the entire visioning process. It is anticipated that this will include a broad array of <br />public participation activities in an effort to capture voices of stakeholders including those who <br />are typically less engaged with civic processes. The consultant shall lead the public participation <br />efforts with the ability to facilitate a variety of participation methods and activities effectively. <br /> <br />3. Develop a Communications Plan <br />Recommend strategies to keep the community informed and connected to the process to <br />maximize participation in the Public Involvement Plan. The communications plan should link <br />with the Public Involvement Plan and project outcomes. The communications plan should also <br />provide a connection to the last community visioning process that occurred in 2006. This would <br />include marketing and other methods of informing the public, creating key messages to increase <br />awareness and recognition of the project and goals, build credibility and deepen understanding <br />of the process. <br /> <br />4. Develop Materials <br />Develop materials to be used as part of the Public Involvement Plan. This could include toolkits <br />to be used by boards, community groups, and/or commissions; digital and printed materials, a <br />web-based project page, engagement module, marketing materials, surveys or other materials <br />as necessary for effective implementation of the Public Involvement Plan. <br /> <br />5. Analysis and Report <br />Compile and analyze relevant data; identify and evaluate issues, values and concerns. Describe <br />the tone and key themes of comments, feedback and input received from stakeholders. <br />Articulate the community’s recommendations for Community Aspirations as well as develop <br />consensus around the outcomes and prioritization for each Aspiration. Develop a final report <br />and presentation that showcase these recommendations and include the process by which the <br />4 | Page <br /> <br />
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