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<br />Continued page 2 <br /> <br />Dean Hedberg Pres. o~ the i{ayflowor Park A.::;:.;'n. asked if it was fo~ <br />tl1C purpo3c 0': r87,mue tl1at such d.,: Cn-sa1.:; pIal::'; ¡-¡as being <br />con3.i~.1..; rc:¡J... lIe felt t><3 p8 c-"d"_~'J.l~ be; '~--.Á _. r<lY- ~fl-)rC ta~('~3 for <br />tile: S:3 YV':'- '_.:.J~~; tl1o:r.. ~-',':s·.i. <br /> <br />,Jdm Garv~.,-i_ ;~7 No. Ha..'T~linc å\j,,~. 'I,mt. on <br />~_'" Cr-.:;;:::.~c 3tore. <br /> <br />,,~ <br />.......,-., <br /> <br />(:I,,['O;;;;0J. 1.c. <br /> <br />rCG,<-.-;.:r~(j. <br /> <br />Nrs ,Johnson of },Iiè. Oa1:<;; lane asked if the r:eoplc HÌlG opposed <br />and present woulè stand up and aboDt 75 per cent 0: those present. <br />t::tc·od up. There vTCre appro¡:1¡,.atc}y 150 people present. lTayoY' <br />0}son said bD had rece3xed calls from a lot of people Ylant,ir.~g to <br />kmm wh;:r we diJ2, not have an On-sale p~.ace. <br /> <br />l·h'. J~hl1 Struble, 206J No.F'arrinGtcn v1ho cmnc the Jr,eetirJg <br />for a different purpose said after tbo next. cenSl~S we vl0111¿ hairc.; <br />i.G su.bmit the mat.te!' to the putl,'i.l~ fGè~ ;;.. .otc. <br /> <br />;~r::.P.;f.rdIuc 1255 ~G;:;clQlrr~ ~::~kcd what. could be done about <br />gett1ng a good public opinion. The church I;copl,û expreD;;:c;;:: +,Lcir <br />opinj.on or,! sl"e felt t~,c; ctLcr c:.,ti~'u:[" who were not here 8hou1:':" <br />"101cù tl-~eir fccJ~lr1gs 011 tric mat t.or. <br /> <br />leo Lindberg 2030 No. Iexineton askcd'!>1.Ì1Em pccl,:I... Hcre Tncst <br />clrunk:t..t t.he time of leaving the place or a ha.lf hour later. <br /> <br />I-hot£: Petc.'T':cD o.r Count~r- Road "IP' 1'¡}~lO just m(Y"\I"-ecl ,i,nto tho i/ :'11.0..[;(; <br />~}.rìd flail r:ìLscd 7trst of tIle r"'iC6tin'6 ,~t(5d T~ç)sr~\i':l.11c be,inL a ;rourJ.g <br />g:ro...rlr.g COIêmu.n:lt~c "Tith C00d character Dhoûld keep it that v-.~ay <br />~-:.nd felt, tLat by 1:.e:dJ"!g present and 08:q)r8~siTlG!' opir::Lcn and <br />teIlbg cf their opposit.ion He would k!1Gl: the senti.ments of tJ;,:;; <br />;:,:YJ:: c;.f the people. <br /> <br />Prs Harrison of Hid Oaks lane asked :l.r tr.e Council melT.bcr~: v.¡oulèc <br />(;x:pre~,;:; t.heir opinion if they y,7ould be 't-1Ílling to submit it to a <br />vetE: of the peop10. 'rnl'.; Council :;:y;';I':0E;r::; i:)1~c.~:cnt said theJ' would. <br /> <br />200 JacObS'8D of T.!!.;6 and T.exLn¿t.on Ave. 1-:as two child:'f:m ¡:;T'cHing '.lp <br />è¡P and ¡-las rot intercstE'.d in suet a place and felt t.he people shOU1<ìi,: <br />decide those issues. <br /> <br />]3 .,J .Ioftsgaarden the Village is reprcscnted by a Council ~rho ¡ <br />is conscientious in the1r duty and have J.oolæd fer a. law for <br />raisi.r:g money because we have corne to Grips with a procler:: that <br />rcqt:.1.reè: mone~r, :::evJ'6r', vater and other ser¡ricc;;J. Pesidential property I <br />does not pay its wa¡r, neve::' did and neve: "lill. Busi.ness pays 7S~; ! <br />of the cost of those services in St. Paul, and v¡e dont have much <br />business out here to pa;T tr.e cost of those sc~'v:lccs. <br /> <br />Hayor <br />submitted <br />Poll call <br /> <br />Olson mcved,:::econdc(l b? IIarmncé'i::tün that the matter be <br />to a vote of the people at tr.c p:rimar~,r election. <br />Ayes- (li) Hayc;;;- (0) . <br /> <br />I:cÎ\,mr(l ,Johncon asked if there "T01"'e re:g\llat.icn:c as to he....; far ç¡n ' <br />cDtÐ.blisrù1cnt had to be fron ochoo'.:: or eh¡.rches. ?Ç1,ITuncrstcm said <br />the distance from a schooJ. had to bc 1500 feet and thought the :;¡ar.1C <br /> <br />distance fer cllurcl1c~:. <br /> <br />503 <br />