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<br />Continued, raGG -? <br /> <br />Hr. Fcir.arà:f <br /> <br />P.;:an Ave. as ked <br /> <br />cì <br /> <br />ct.reet. <br /> <br /> <br />,·,4, <br />.l;.; ).,.;i t. <br /> <br />(jarlc~_~ _:~a-l_'-.... iiG ~.';U~: '1 <br />grad~i,·r.6. <br /> <br />:in;~h(; flan ani e;:;t:iT:lt8 of the cost of <br /> <br />Pcinar¿y said he had to notify Northern States Powcr 24 hours ahead <br />so ttey'an move tr.e service. The~T wo~Üd also get together 1-.'ith the <br />electrician so the VoTork could bt~ done at the proper time. <br /> <br />The Clerk read a letter fro~ i~r.Piers regarding Dellwood ~~d Draper. <br />Cà!'lêy sãîå he would bring in a plan of the street at the next meeting. <br />Mr.Jesse and three other residents of the area were in agreeme~t on the <br />same matter that the street should be graded to relieve water problems. <br /> <br />Hr. Struble of Farrington Ave. appeared for residents on his stroet <br />regardi.r:g the "TOry done last fall b;;r d01m the road 3..>1d'l<mted <br />to kn01-¡ what was planned for the street. Carle:r reportod 1-¡tat Wb done <br />last fall Hill be completed this year. <br /> <br />Neil King and vJendell A.l1de:rson of Villwoocì Drive asked about t.he <br />natural drainage condition between their hones that could be piped <br />c10vm thrcugh their' ;)rards. They wanted tv knovl' if it could be run down <br />along the read. Carley felt we should establish the grade on the road <br />and they could go ahead and have the v-Tork done. Olson movcd,:::0conded <br />by Earr.rriûrsten that Car1e~r cctablish the Grade. Roll call Ayes- OJ) <br />~byes-CO). <br /> <br />Robert 8chth1'J.8n,573 ~..¡. County Road "3" appeDred befül'e. the COilllvil <br />v1Ì th a problem in regard tü a:r. ordir:a:IJce, tt;at prc:vents the dumping of <br />septic tank pumpers onto propert~r only 200 feet from his home. When the <br />wind blcvTS the odor is bad and he clairr:s a health menace. He v-lantec1 <br />the ordinance changed to li1îJ..t t:-ie dUT1[.i.r.g to vtithin { mile of resider:t$. <br /> <br />Hr. Rice, 1957 H. Posü1a..m inq:.:::L¡''.:c; as to the posdtilit:r of getting! <br />Ryan Ave. graded west of the proposed ,Tur¡;cnscn development. Carle~r ' <br />i¡l'ill prepare the necessary GG.,;¡oment.s for the siL-naturcs of the affected <br />propert;}r owners. <br /> <br />I'Tr. Yr:mk Weiss: 125)¡ Natil:::::. St.. St.p[~'..Ü who 0....m3 ;sorle lots on <br />Auerbach Hoad north of :)~imlocota Ave. inquired what had to be: done about <br />gradinG the road. Carle;! caid he would look at it and prepare an estimate <br />and leave it at the office é.nd suggested Hr. We:Lss drop back in a week: <br />and pick it up. <br /> <br />:1-:1'. Harley Peterson appearEd before the Council again regarding a <br />change in set back at Dale St. & Larpentcur triangle. The mat.ter 1-¡as <br />rcferred to the buildir~b inspector for a report. <br /> <br />Ea.r:'JIlersten moved, seconded by Olson that I1au.rine HolmberG be emplpyetl <br />as d. clerk i.>1 the Liquor store at 1.20 per hr. ef.fcctiveJunü 2 195h.: <br />Ron call A~re::;-(L) ~hl:r(;.s-(O). <br /> <br />The Clerk read the apDlications for licenses fro:1 t~~(; fol] ovrinc firmr. <br />}as Installers '}cneral Gontractor <br />Ostrin Eù¿,tin¡;; 228 \vash. Ave. No. <br />Ed,v. Boehrl 2026 Carroll Ave. <br />Ralph 1<Jicy 1215 Norton ;:3t. <br />Olson moved, seconded b;r I-lillmus that the <br />Roll call Ayes-(4) Nayes-CO). <br /> <br />Gene Iomismet 3600 -77th <br />Electrical <br />LF.I·inner Elec. Stillwater <br />licenses be approved. <br /> <br />Ave" <br /> <br />504 <br /> <br />Ryan Ave. <br /> <br />rel1wood <br />Ave. <br /> <br />F2.rr:inGton <br />Ave. <br /> <br />Fillwood Drive <br /> <br />Septic Tank <br />Dumping <br /> <br />Ryan Ave. <br />t,Test of <br />Fairvievl <br /> <br />Au.crbach Rd. <br />