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CCP 07112022
City Council
City Council Meeting Packets
CCP 07112022
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Last modified
8/11/2022 12:12:38 PM
Creation date
8/11/2022 12:12:26 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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34 should weigh heavily into the selected project proposer. <br />35 P OLICY O BJECTIVE <br />36 The city’s approved Strategic Racial Equity Action Plan (SREAP) as well as the city’s Racial Equity <br />37 Narrative detail the city’s commitment to providing an inclusive community. Part of that includes <br />38 improving engagement, and participation among community members, developing relationships and <br />39 increasing collaboration with community leaders and organizations, following through on lessons <br />40 learned through community members by committing to listen, learn and implement improved <br />41 methods and practices to better serve the needs of all in the community. The objective is to ensure <br />42 that the City’s strategic vision is directly informed by the Roseville community. <br />43 E QUITY I MPACT <br />44 The intended outcome of the visioning process is to identify and articulate Community Aspirations <br />45 and to develop and prioritize specific outcomes the community believes will demonstrate the City is <br />46 achieving Community Aspirations. This process will serve as the precursor to the development of a <br />47 community-informed Strategic Plan with specific goals to achieve the prioritized outcomes <br />48 identified during the community visioning process to the maximum extent possible. It is important <br />49 that the voices that are nothistorically engaged civically be represented and accounted for during <br />50 this process to ensure that the city is able to achieve aspirations that are important to all residents. <br />51 B UDGET I MPLICATIONS <br />52 The city has set aside $100,000 in funds in the 2022 budget to conduct a visioning process. As part <br />53 of the RFP, we intentionally did not provide a specific timeline nor a specific budget for this project. <br />54 The purpose behind that was to solicit proposals that met the scope of work associated with <br />55 Council’s desired outcomes, rather than based on an out-dated budget amount. The dollar amount <br />56 included in the 2022 budget was based on visioning projects conducted prior to COVID-19 <br />57 pandemic, and many of them did not have a strong emphasis or focus on engaging hisotrically <br />58 underrepresented groups. Should the amount of the proposal exceed the $100,000 allocated amount, <br />59 additional funds could be included in the 2023 budget as the project is expected to be completed in <br />60 2023. Also, given this is a one-time expense, the Council could consider using reserve funds to <br />61 close funding gaps. <br />62 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />63 Receive presentations by consultant applicants and authorize the acceptance of a bid proposal for the <br />64 Community-Wide Visioning project. <br />65 R EQUESTED C OUNCIL A CTION <br />66 By motion, authorize the acceptance of a bid proposal for the Community-Wide Visioning project. <br />Prepared by: Rebecca Olson, Assistant City Manager <br />Attachments: A. NEOO, Inc. Proposal <br /> B. Zan Associates Proposal <br /> <br /> <br />Page 3 of 3 <br /> <br />
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