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CCP 09132022
City Council
City Council Meeting Packets
CCP 09132022
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Last modified
9/16/2022 9:26:18 AM
Creation date
9/16/2022 9:26:17 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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Also, although I am not currently serving, I am an ordained Presbyterian minister and bring 13 years of <br />experience leading congregational ministries. In that capacity I gained hands-on experience listening to <br />and fruitfully leading communities that were almost never of one mind, organized various volunteer <br />groups including a summer program that provided free meals to the neighborhood, and learned that the <br />best and longest lasting kind of progress is the kind that is done through respectful consensus building. <br />Related, my friends sometimes tease me that I love meetings too much. That might be possible! With <br />that said, I understand that value of bringing people together to learn and make decisions on behalf of a <br />community. While living in Seattle for 7 years, I served on the Edmonds Community College Presidential <br />Advisory Committee, providing input to the president of the college along with other community <br />members about the college's many plans and initiatives. I take great value in a city that listens to its <br />residents, and I consider it a responsibility to contribute when I can. <br />Finally, I led recent efforts to organize a local Bikeable Communities Workshop here in Roseville, <br />bringing together city, county, and state stakeholders and experts to both envision and learn about ways <br />that our beautiful city can continue to prioritize the safety and long-term health of its residents. This <br />effort took extensive commitment both in time and energy, something I plan to bring to the PWETC if <br />given the opportunity. <br /> <br />As a commissioner on your preferred commission(s), how could you contribute to the City's equity and <br />inclusion initiatives? <br />As the son of Korean immigrants who came to Minnesota in the 1970s, I am the unfortunate first-hand <br />witness to the effects of racism in our community. As has been well documented, Minnesota has some <br />of the worst racial disparities in the nation, something that is truly surprising given its many great <br />qualities as a state. As the father of three children of color, I am committed to doing my part in <br />contributing to Roseville's efforts to eliminate these disparities. <br />I also recognize that equity and inclusion addresses not only racial disparities, but also numerous others <br />as well, including age, ability, and gender. I believe a vibrant city has no second class citizens, and am <br />committed to helping Roseville make real, positive progress on making this a reality. <br />Preferred method to be contacted Email <br /> <br />
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