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Attachment A <br />93 <br />94 A. The City shall have the right to suspend the Work to be performed by the <br />95 Consultant under this Agreement when it deems necessary to protect the City, <br />96 residents of the City or others who are affected by the Work. If any Work to be <br />97 performed by the Consultant is suspended in whole or in part by the City, the <br />98 Consultant shall be paid for any services performed prior to the delivery upon the <br />99 Consultant of the written notice from the City of such suspension. <br />100 <br />101 B. The Consultant shall be reimbursed for services performed by any third-party <br />102 independent contractors and/or subcontractors only if the City has authorized the <br />103 retention of and has agreed to pay such persons or entities pursuant to Section 3B <br />104 above. <br />105 <br />106 6. Project Manager and Staffing. The Consultant has designated the Community <br />107 Development Director and the Building Official(“Project Contacts”) to perform and/or <br />108 supervise the Work, and as the persons for the City to contact and communicate with <br />109 regarding the performance of the Work. The Project Contacts shall be assisted by other <br />110 employees of the Consultant as necessary to facilitate the completion of the Work in <br />111 accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Consultant may not <br />112 remove or replace the Project Contacts without the prior approval of the City. <br />113 <br />114 7. Standard of Care. All Work performed by the Consultant under this Agreement shall be <br />115 in accordance with the normal standard of care in Ramsey County, Minnesota, for <br />116 professional services of like kind to the Work being performed under this Agreement. <br />117 <br />118 8. Audit Disclosure. Any reports, information, data and other written documents given to, <br />119 or prepared or assembled by the Consultant under this Agreement which the City requests <br />120 to be kept confidential shall not be made available by the Consultant to any individual or <br />121 organization without the City’s prior written approval. The books, records, documents <br />122 and accounting procedures and practices of the Consultant or other parties relevant to this <br />123 Agreement are subject to examination by the City and either the Legislative Auditor or <br />124 the State Auditor for a period of six (6) years after the effective date of this Agreement. <br />125 The Consultant shall at all times abide by Minn. Stat. § 13.01 et seq. and the Minnesota <br />126 Government Data Practices Act, to the extent the Act is applicable to data, documents, <br />127 and other information in the possession of the Consultant. <br />128 <br />129 9. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by the City, with or <br />130 without cause, by delivering to the Consultant at the address of the Consultant set forth in <br />131 Provision 26 below, a written notice at least ten (10) days prior to the date of such <br />132 termination. The date of termination shall be stated in the notice. Upon termination the <br />133 Consultant shall be paid for services rendered (and reimbursable expenses incurred if <br />134 required to be paid by the City under this Agreement) by the Consultant through and until <br />135 the date of termination so long as the Consultant is not in default under this Agreement. <br />136 If the City terminates this Agreement because the Consultant is in default of its <br />137 obligations under this Agreement, no further payment shall be payable or due to the <br />138 Consultant following the delivery of the termination notice, and the City may, in addition <br />3 <br /> <br />