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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
1/26/2023 9:31:24 AM
Creation date
1/26/2023 9:31:12 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Member Luongo asked if the City ever enforces anything in the backyard or is the <br />enforcement for the front yard only. <br />Mr. Englund explained the Ordinance reads forty feet from the property line or forty <br />feet from an occupied structure that has to be maintained at eight inches or less. <br />Chair Ficek inquired if someone were to mow the parameter of their lawn the <br />middle would still need to be under eight inches according to the Ordinance. <br />Mr. Englund explained that was correct or the person would be in violation of the <br />Ordinance. <br />Chair Ficek indicated he was in favor of this and would like to recommend <br />something to the City Council but was not sure what a recommendation would <br />consist of. <br />Mr. Freihammer indicated the Council did not have a discussion on this last year <br />before No Mow May so the recommendation could be as simple as asking the City <br />Council to do something similar for next year as was done in 2022, to relax the <br />rules through May. Maybe there is a recommendation out of what type of no mow <br />or modified No Mow May and could it extend longer or exceptions to the rules in <br />the future. <br />Chair Ficek did like the No Mow or Less Mow because that could get more people <br />on board. He would also like to include something like allocating staff time to get <br />the education notice out there and really do this correctly to reduce some of the <br />complaints that come in. <br />Member Collins explained he would like to get this out as soon as possible in the <br />newsletter. <br />Mr. Freihammer explained that if this gets approved by the City Council in <br />November, it could go out in the January/February and/or the March/April <br />newsletters. <br />Member Collins thought changing the Ordinance to follow what the City is trying <br />to promote. He thought they needed to look at the plan No Mow May, Less Mow <br />May. He did not think a lot of people understood No Mow May last year. He <br />thought less mow is good but he thought the City needed to look at the bigger <br />picture. It is not just one month; it needs to carry on and maybe relax the Code <br />violations all the way to July to allow people to catch up mowing their longer lawns <br />without ruining them. He also thought the City could look at islands on the property <br />that would not be in violation of the Ordinance. <br />Chair Ficek asked what the Roseville parks did for No Mow May in 2022. <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />
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