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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />S82 <br /> <br />VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE <br />Special meeting of the Village Council Honday February 21, 1955 8 P.m. <br /> <br />A special meeting of the Village Council was called by ~~yor Olson. Membe's <br />present Here: Salverda, Olson and Carlson. Jerry Loftsgaarden, Ass't Att- <br />orney, and Milner Carley, Engineer, were also present. Willmus ill and <br />Hammersten absent. <br /> <br />Mayor Olson suggested that Village Engmneer Carley explain the purpose of <br />the meeting for those who had not been present at previous meetings where <br />the problem of sanitary sewage disposal had been discussed. Mr. Carley <br />stated that the Council had made every effort to obtain an answer from the <br />City of St. Pa'l as to whether or not the City would consider the extention <br />of any services outside of the city limits if such a plan should appear <br />practical. He said that the Village had never been given a direct reply but <br />that,1.ndirectly the answer had alw"ays been "nolt. Mr. Carley then stated that <br />the Village Council of Roseville, acting upon his recommendation as Village <br />Engineer, had decided that the time had come for the Village to obtain the <br />services of a consulting firm of sanitary engineers for the purpose of mak- <br />ing a preliminary survey and report on this subject. He said that, while <br />it had been agreed that complete plans were not to be ordered and that the <br />preliminary study and report was not to be considered au a final and complete <br />preliminary survey, the Council did want at least tentative answers to the <br />following questions: <br /> <br />No. 1 - How much work would have to be done to carry Roseville se\;age through <br />the City of St. Paul disposing of it in the metropolitan plant? <br /> <br />No; 2 - Is there any other practical method of solving this problem through <br />the construction of our own plant or a plant to be used jointly <br />with our neighboring cœrrmunities? <br /> <br />No. 3 - Approximate extimates of the cost, which would be probably accurate <br />only for the purpose of comparison. <br /> <br />Mr. Carley stated that it was not the intention of the ~illage Council to <br />attempt in any way to sell any plan, either to the City of St. Paul or to the <br />people of Roseville. He said that the views of the Council, expressed at a <br />previous meeting, were unanimous and to the effect that this information was <br />to be made available to the people of the Village after it is ready and that <br />the people would make the final decision as to whether or not to begin final <br />plans and construction of the sewers. <br /> <br />The Banister Engineering Cœnpany, represented by Mr. Banister and Roger Short, <br />presented the Council with the following proposal: <br /> <br />froposal for consulting engineering services relative to a sanitary sewer <br />progra~ for your Village: <br /> <br />A. STUDIES AND REPORT <br />Í. Make a study of the areas, topography, and contours of the Village <br />to determine the most economical and expeditious manner of providing <br />sanitary sewer facilities to the various areas. <br /> <br />2. IVlake a study of' the various possible points .::;£ discharge of sanitary <br />sewage, either raw sewage into an existing sewer system or effluent <br />from a sewage treatment plant into a water course. <br />
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