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<br />S83 <br /> <br />3. Make an economical study and comparison of the cost of discharging <br />sewage into an existing system, and paying the stipulated rates per- <br />taining to that system, as against the cost of a separate treatment works <br />for the Village. <br /> <br />In making the foregoing statement it is assumed that the study is pre- <br />dicated on the fact that pernlission to discharge into such an existing <br />sewer system may be obtained. <br /> <br />~.. Prepare an overall plan to provide intercepting and trunk sewers for the <br />entire area into which indiviaual lateral sewers can discharge either by <br />gravity or by means of pumping stations. The overall master plan would <br />show the approximate location of such pumping stations and indicate those <br />areas which would require pumping stations and indicate those areas wh*ch <br />~could discharge by gravity. <br /> <br />5. Study present zon4Jg and land use to determine the present "short time" <br />future and "long range" future quantities of sanitary se,..¡age which must <br />be anticipated. <br /> <br />6. Provide information as to the desirability and feasibility of increasing <br />the proposed sanitary sewer facility of Roseville to receive the sanitary <br />sewage from the immediately adjacent neighboring municipalities not now <br />provided with sanitary sewer facilities if such appears warranted. <br /> <br />7. Prepare a map which would show possible various sewer districts and <br />which would show a tentative location and approximate size of proposed <br />truck and intercepting sewers. <br /> <br />8. Prepare a report which would show approximate cost estimates for the <br />trunk and intercepting sewers and which would include a general discussion <br />as to the applicability of different methods of payment and financing <br />for such a program. The report would generally include a set of infor- <br />mation upon which the Village officials may base future planning as to <br />when and how to proceed with further action relative to a sanitary sewage <br />facility for the Village. <br /> <br />In performing the foregoing we are to accomplish as much of the work listed <br />as the expenditure of Three Thousand Five Hundred ($3,500.00) Dollars will <br />permit. At that time all information obtained will be presented to the Village <br />Council at which time they may instruct us to proceed further to provide the <br />complete report at a fee to be mutually agreed upon or may direct us to cease <br />further work. <br /> <br />It is not anticipated that the expenditure of $3,500.00 by the Village will <br />permit preparation of a complete detailed report covering all phases, but will <br />provide enough "information for the Village to arrive at basic decisions and <br />overall fuDtre planning. <br /> <br />B. FVTURE WORK <br /> <br />In the event that the Village Council elects to proceed further with the <br /> <br />work and proceed with any detailed working plans and specifications we <br /> <br />propose to prepare same at fees substantially in accordance with those <br /> <br />recommended by the Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers and from <br />wl.l.l.",l... L"~~ \",0.1. QY..LIJ nJ..l~ "LJv E>.l. y v.I.... .£V.L u.J...~ nv.L 1,- 1-"u.j.J, .£Q~- y.¡,:~d.v;;z.- I-ln....l.u It......." p;&'-90Q.a~.6. <br />