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<br />585 <br /> <br />proposal and amendment thereto. Roll Aall Ayes (3)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />The Council considered a letter written by MilnerW. Carley, Village Engineer, <br />in which he outlined a system which would permit him to distribute the road <br />and bridge expenditures into various accounts so that these funds would be <br />spent during the year in the manner and for the purposes intended by the <br />Council when the budget was set up. The Engineer attached to his letter an <br />itemized staGement of the road and vridge fund as established in 1955 and <br />also a peport for the month of January showing expenditures made on all read <br />and bridge activity. The Bngineer made the following recommendation, wh:ïc h <br />he said was necess'ry in order that he might be in a position to keep;t these <br />records and furnish the Council with these statements: <br /> <br />No. 1 - All orders for material or expenditures of any kind, which are to <br />be charged against road and bridge funds, must be approved by the <br />Village Engineer before they are made. <br /> <br />No. 2 - All bills received by the Village, which afø chargeable to the road <br />and bridge fund, shall be re:ferred to the engineer on th~ day that <br />they are received. (Payment to be made only after regular Village <br />vouchers properly executed are presented to the Council). <br /> <br />No.3. - The Village Engineer shall be iept informed about the incoming <br />money which is to be come a part of the Road and Bridge Fund. This <br />to include cash deposits by developers, street damage payments by <br />the Power Company, åtc. <br /> <br />No. 4 - That the Village Clerk and Treasurer should be requested to cooperate <br />with the Engineer in the keeping èf these records and cost accounts. <br /> <br />It was moved by Mayor Olson, seconded by Carlson, that the Village Co,mcil <br />concur in the recommendation of the Enginser and that the Clerk and Villa2;e <br />Treasurer be so notified. Ayes (3)-¡iayes (0). <br /> <br />Olson moved, secondèd by Carlson that we adjourn. <br /> <br />Roll Call Ayes (3)-Naye (0). <br /> <br />fí e rP ~ ¡rJAYOR <br /> <br /> <br />CLERK <br /> <br />) <br />