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<br />584 <br /> <br />SPECIAL PROVISIONS <br /> <br />The Village of Roseville agrees to make available to us and furnish us <br />with all existina pertinent information in the way of maps, records, plans, <br />contours streetbprofiles, etc. It is further ggreed and stipulated that <br />any work' which may be performed by the Village Engineer in connection with <br />this matter will b~ paid by the Village of ~seville to the Vill~ge Engineer <br />and is not to be included in the aforementioned maximum sum of '3,500.00 <br />enumerated under Item "Art preceding. <br /> <br />We are to attend any and all conferences deemed desirable and proper in this <br />matter with Village officials and other municipality and state officials when <br />such conferences are authorized by the Village of Roseville. It is further <br />agreed and stipulated that the Village, in accepting this proposal, authorizes <br />us to only proceed with work enumerated in Item "A" preceding, that no further <br />work is to be undertaken by us until specifically authorized and directed <br />to do so by the Village Council of the Village of Roseville ~d further that <br />the maximum financial obligation of the Village, for this work is to be $3,500.00 <br />unless and until an additional sum is specifically agreed to be the Village <br />Council. <br /> <br />We shall be pleased to consider this proposal an agreement between us upon <br />its being accepted by the Village Council and the signatures of the duly <br />authorized officials affixed hereto. <br /> <br />BANISTER ENGIN"jERING Cm1PANY <br /> <br />The following pro~s~ons shall be a part of and in addition to the terms of <br />that certain offer and proposal by the Banister Engineering Co., being a two <br />page instrument dated the 2lst day of February, 1955 and accepted by the <br />Village Council of Roseville on the 21st day of February, 1955. The follcwing <br />to be inserted at the end of Section A preceding Section B on page two of the <br />proposal. <br /> <br />Banister shall keep time records of work performed and charces to the Village <br />shall be made on the per diem basis of not more than Forty ($40.00) Dollars <br />per day, Principal Engineer charge, plus twice the gross salary of subordin- <br />ates during such time as the work is performed on this project, plus 8¢ a <br />mile for transportation in connection with this project. <br /> <br />Such time records shall be made available to the Village Council at such <br />reasonable times as they request, and the Village shall have the right to <br />direct Banister to cease work at any time and in that event the amount of <br />compensation due Banister shall be based upon the above terms for the amount <br />of time actually spent. <br /> <br />'- <br /> <br />All work performed shall be the property of the Village, including all draw- <br />ings, reports and original tracings and providing that Banister shall have <br />the right to provide facsimiles of tracings; and these terms shall apply whether <br />this work is completed or not. <br /> <br />This contract subject to acceptance of amendment orally entered into àt signing. <br /> <br />Mayor Olson moved, Salverdai seconded that the proposal as amended be accepted <br />and the Mayor and Clerk (in absentia) be authorized to execute the written <br />