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<br />108 therefore, the property owner must provide evidence of insurance covering the Units. If <br />109 Council desires this option, the specified period of time is recommended to be no more than <br />110 60-90 days. <br />111 Consider utilizing the City’s Interim Use Permit process to define parameters under which <br />112 such Units could be regulatedon a temporary basisand to allow for enough time for the St. <br />113 Paul study to conclude. Such process would include the customary Open House, notification <br />114 to property owners with 500’ of the property, and a public hearing before the Planning <br />115 Commission. There would be no guarantee as to the outcome. It should be noted the City <br />116 Attorney has some reservations regarding whether the Interim Use Permitprocess is a good <br />117 legal option and this needs some time for exploration.Staff would recommend the Interim <br />118 Use process not extend past the expiration of St. Paul’s interim ordinance, which is between <br />119 July of 2023 –January 2024. <br />120 While not a solution to the current Units, but related to Prince of Peace’s mission to help the <br />121 homeless, Chapter 310 of the City Code does offer a license for a Temporary Overnight <br />122 Shelter, which was created specifically for religious institutions to provide housing to the <br />123 homeless. This license limits use of the shelter to four weeks per calendar year, with this <br />124 condition and the others based upon the State Fire Marshal’s orders. <br />125 <br />126 P OLICY O BJECTIVE <br />127 Govern the use of land and structures in the City by establishing regulations in regard to land and the <br />128 buildings thereon.To provide minimum standards to safeguard life and limb, health, property, and <br />129 public wefare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and <br />130 occupancy, location and maintenance of all structures and equipment sepcifically covered by the <br />131 Building Code. <br />132 <br />133 B UDGET I MPLICATIONS <br />134 None <br />135 <br />136 R ACIAL E QUITY I MPACT S UMMARY <br />137 Racial equity impacts have not been evaluated.However, people of color are disproportionately <br />138 affected by homelessness. Policy decisions surrounding housing, and its compliance with Zoning, <br />139 City and Building Codes, impact the ability to create affordable housing, especially deeply affordable <br />140 housing aiming to serve those suffering from homelessness. An individual city’s ability to change <br />141 some regulations is limited. <br />142 <br />143 S TAFF R ECOMMENDATION <br />144 Deny the appeal because the Units are not legal dwellings units, nor are recreational camping areas <br />145 allowed, and order the Units be removed from the property. Receive direction from Council as to the <br />146 preferred option and timeline for securing compliance. <br />147 <br />148 R EQUESTED C OUNCIL A CTION <br />149 Adopt aResolution (Attachment G) denying the appeal, finding that staff did not err in determining <br />150 the Units are not legal dwelling and do not comply with the Building Code or City Code, nor are <br />151 recreational camping areas allowed, based on the following: <br />152 1.The Units do not meet the definition of “Dwelling Unit” or “Building” because they do not <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />RS160\\1\\859178.v1 <br /> <br />