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CCP 03202023
City Council
City Council Meeting Packets
CCP 03202023
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3/21/2023 12:29:32 PM
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3/21/2023 12:27:23 PM
Roseville City Council
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Page 4 of 9 <br />to the community’s demand for our services, Bridging embarked on an organizational development 128 <br />initiative. This year, we will implement significant organizational changes that have an impact on 129 <br />the East Metro families we support, who make up 40% of the families we serve. 130 <br /> 131 <br /> 132 <br />Keystone Request: $10,000 133 <br /> 134 <br />Organization’s service to the Roseville community 135 <br />Keystone operates the largest food shelf operation in Ramsey County, including all of the Roseville 136 <br />Area School District. Keystone’s two Foodmobiles bring food shelf services to low-income individuals, 137 <br />families and seniors in the Roseville Area on regular routes. Keystone’s food shelf home delivery 138 <br />service brings food shelf resources directly to the homes of Roseville Area seniors and people with 139 <br />disabilities. Our community-based food distributions provide low-barrier, convenient access to as many 140 <br />as 1,000 households per event. Roseville Area residents also visit Keystone’s brick and mortar food 141 <br />shelves. In 2022, Keystone Basic Needs programs provided food support for 9,165 Roseville area 142 <br />residents at a costof $319,348 (21% of people served by Keystone Basic Needs Programs). 143 <br /> 144 <br />Impact of COVID on organization 145 <br />The pandemic years have been a serious challenge for Keystone and the residual effects continue to be 146 <br />felt by our community. Due to Covid-related economic volatility and subsequent inflation, Keystone’s 147 <br />food support programs have never been busier. The rising cost of food is hitting low-income households 148 <br />hard and many households that have never sought assistance before are turning to Keystone to help 149 <br />them put food on the table. In 2020, 6,162 Ramsey County residents accessed Keystone food resources 150 <br />for the first time. In 2021, another 4,970 did. In 2022, Keystone food support programs served a 151 <br />staggering 12,851first-time participants. Overall, the number of visits to Keystone food shelves and 152 <br />mobile food programs increased by 70% in 2022 compared to 2021 (25,366 visits in 2021 vs. 43,254 153 <br />visits in 2022). 154 <br /> 155 <br />Keystone had to innovate quickly to deliver food during the pandemic, greatly expanding our mobile 156 <br />food programs to include increased Foodmobile capacity, a new food shelf home delivery program, and 157 <br />community-based food distribution events. We had to accomplish this with many fewer retiree-age 158 <br />volunteers (due to Covid risks faced by older adults) and we still don’t have the number of volunteers 159 <br />we need. In addition, the 30% reduction in federal commodities we receive and the higher cost of key 160 <br />foods like meat, eggs and milk is having a significant impact on Keystone’s Basic Needs budget. We 161 <br />added 25% more in our 2023 food budget so we have the funds to provide the foods requested by our 162 <br />participants. Covid-related economic disruptions are both increasing Keystone’s cost per person 163 <br />served and increasing the number of people we serve. 164 <br /> 165 <br />Use of ARPA grant funds 166 <br />Keystone is requesting $10,000 which we will use to pay a portion of our FT food shelf home delivery 167 <br />program coordinator. This program is directly related to pandemic-driven needs and has a high impact 168 <br />in Roseville. Targeting funds here will simplify reporting and ensure compliance with ARP 169 <br />requirements. 170 <br /> 171 <br />Karen Organization of Minnesota (KOM) Request: $10,000 172 <br /> 173 <br />Organization’s service to the Roseville community 174 <br />KOM is located on Rice Street near Highway 36 in Roseville, at the intersection of southeastern 175
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