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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 6, 2023 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Chair Roe noted the City had an opportunity to hear from folks so he thought <br /> that the next steps would be offline conversations, depending on what the <br /> Board determines this evening. The Board just needs to provide some direc- <br /> tion that has been asked for from staff in terms of how to deal with enforce- <br /> ment of the action of the Board this evening. The Board is attempting to do <br /> that and did ask for some insight from the church, which he appreciated. As <br /> to some of the things he asked about, in terms of the church's own internal <br /> processes and figuring things out where the church wants to be and what the <br /> church wants to be doing as a congregation, he asked if there was any more <br /> information in that regard as to where the church is in their process and how <br /> that might fit into what is being discussed. <br /> Mr. Michael Stetzler explained this is a complex issue. Prince of Peace has <br /> been looking at this issue for a while, as the City knows. The church has <br /> been looking at affordable housing for families with children, which is <br /> pointed out by the school district and others that this is a need. When this <br /> first came up, their concern was that the people who had been working on <br /> the problem of homelessness understood and supported what the church was <br /> doing with the tiny homes. But those people had a caveat too that they did <br /> not want to commit to it at the exclusion of looking at other things the church <br /> could do for homeless folks. They would like to consider how this kind of <br /> model of smaller units could be used to house families with children. The <br /> planning process, and they work as much as they can on a congregational <br /> consensus model, so it takes time to build that sort of thing. They have a lot <br /> of other things going on too within their church. Their next congregational <br /> meeting is scheduled for June 30th or thereabouts and anything that they de- <br /> cide needs congregational approval would have to come before them at that <br /> meeting. It will take a lot of work to prepare that in advance. Their timeline, <br /> realistically, for making a decision on where they want to apply their re- <br /> sources is toward the fall, before it gets cold again, to either meet the call to <br /> try to do something permanently with these tiny homes or to find some other <br /> solution that also provides a Community First model for Valerie. The church <br /> would respectfully ask, if the City wants to stay this or engage in a planning <br /> process that goes beyond a certain timeframe, to put it either on a fixed date <br /> sometime in the fall or better yet, conditionally upon achieving certain mile- <br /> stones in the planning process together with the City. <br /> Board member Groff did not think the City could wait until the fall and that <br /> the issue needed to be addressed. He would like to see a sixty day time pe- <br /> riod and work with the church and congregation on what could be done dur- <br /> ing that time, get a report back from City staff, and then finalize their deci- <br /> sion at that time with that information. <br /> The Board reviewed RV regulations and Code enforcement in the City with <br /> staff, noting that the City does not prohibit RV parking in the Walmart lot <br />