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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 6,2023 <br /> Page 14 <br /> or elsewhere on private property, other than regulations about parking on <br /> improved surfaces and others in the nuisance code. <br /> Board member Schroeder explained after the last set of comments,the Board <br /> has heard from Prince of Peace where they are not interested in looking at a <br /> solution in the sixty or ninety day's timeframe. She was thinking the reason <br /> for giving more time here is to allow the church to be able to find more per- <br /> manent housing for Valerie and others. She thought that was the piece the <br /> City was trying to solve with giving more time. What she heard is that the <br /> church is not trying to make this more permanent in the next sixty or ninety <br /> days. The only issue she saw at this time was giving more time to work on <br /> something more permanent. In her view, after sixty days, this issue is done <br /> and she did not think staff needed to come back with information and solu- <br /> tions because there would not be any solution at that point. <br /> Etten moved, Strahan seconded,to direct enforcement in sixty days with the <br /> City providing housing options to Ms. Roy and the other family on the prop- <br /> erty either through the City's Housing Coordinator or other services and di- <br /> rected staff to continue to work with Prince of Peace or others to assist if <br /> there is ongoing interest in a more permanent tiny home or other settlement <br /> that would meet City Codes. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Strahan, Etten, Schroeder, Groff, and Roe. <br /> Nays: None <br /> a.ii. Adjourn Board of Appeals & Reconvene as the City Council <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 7:42 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br /> 7:52 p.m. <br /> b. Receive Quarterly Equity Update <br /> Equity and Inclusion Manager Thomas Brooks briefly highlighted this item as de- <br /> tailed in the Request For Council Action and related attachments dated March 6, <br /> 2023. <br /> Councilmember Etten thanked Mr. Brooks for all the ongoing work and presenta- <br /> tion. He hoped staff looked for ways of constructive training that works well for <br /> staff He had a question about the review of the proclamations, which he did not <br /> think was too long ago, that all of the proclamations were reviewed by the Human <br /> Rights, Inclusion, and Engagement Commission (HRIEC) so he wondered where <br /> that fits with the new review. <br />