<br />Regular meeting of the Counc~_l Tuesday, July 19, 1955 at 2 p .Jr..
<br />
<br />The Village Counci:ih met on the above date 't\.rith the fol1oÌ^r.Lng members
<br />present: Carlson, Salverda, Olson, Willm'lS and HammàÐstèn. B. H.
<br />J..oftsgaarden, attorney, and Hi1ner Carley, Eng. 1-rere also present. .
<br />
<br />Carlson moved, Olson seconded the min~t8s of the previous m8etj~g be
<br />ppproved as presented. Roll Call Ayes (5)-Nayes (0).
<br />
<br />Harnrc.ersten moved, vlillmus seconded that the Westviml Add. #2 Plat be
<br />given final approval. Roll Call Ayes (5)-Nqres (0).
<br />
<br />H2J1]J'1ersten moved, Olson seconded the following resolution be adopted
<br />and sent to the City of St. Paul. Roll CiLl Ayes (5)-riayes (0).
<br />
<br />WIJEF.EAS, the Vïllae:e of Rosevillc is one c f Hinnesota' s most r~ièB.ly
<br />and soundly expanding cOTIh"Ylunities, and
<br />WHEREAS, the Iexington Development Compan;r and S. J. Krannakpresently
<br />are contemplating construction of a shopping center on the north side
<br />of Larpenteur Ave. between Lexington and Fernwood Avenues in Roscville, and
<br />WŒ1ElŒAS, this project ¡..~ll benefit the cOf¡1munity of Roseville by
<br />increasing the tax hase, total employment potential, and general commercial
<br />development, as well as expanding our com..rnru1Ì tyl s overall payroll, and
<br />lffiEREAS, a spptic tank system is the oülY presently availabM.
<br />method of sewage and waste disposal in the affected area and the Minn.
<br />Department of Health has stated that such a system does not meet their
<br />standards, and
<br />l-'JHEREAS, our community has been conducting a professional engineering
<br />study for the past several months to detel~ne the most advisable way
<br />in which our village may obtain a pel~anent sewage disposal system, and
<br />WHEPEAS, all indicationa are that this survey, when completed, may
<br />recommend that, for reasons of economy and convenience, Roseville join
<br />the sewage disposal system of the Twin City Sanitary District, and
<br />Jœl!EWHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has heretofore advised the Village
<br />of Roseville that, upon submission of an appropriate sevIage engineering
<br />progr~a and a plan ~lich our community could adopt, so as to allow it to
<br />connect with existing sanitary se¡"Tage facil:Lties, and
<br />~iHEREAS, it appears that the engineering report may recommend such
<br />a sewer connection between the Village of Roseville and the City of
<br />Saint Pa:ll, and
<br />WHEREAS, because the City of Saint Paul n01'1 has such adequate
<br />facilities available for connection at or near the proposed area at
<br />Larpenteur Avenue, and a com~lete pSTIaanent connection ~~ll be requested
<br />soon, it would seen logical and desirable to grant this peTID_ssion, and
<br />WHEREAS, it is now necessary for Roseville to take immediate steps
<br />if the community is to benefit from construction of this shopping center
<br />now being considered, and
<br />~lHEPæAS, such a large project will be a 3ajor commercial improvement
<br />not only to Roseville byt to the c~tire county,
<br />NOW, THEBEFOræ, BE IT RESOLVED that the Comraon C6un~il of the City
<br />of Saint Paul is hereby petitioned to grant, as an interim measure,
<br />permission to extend sewage disposal and water s8,Yice to the cOT1mercial
<br />shopping center proposed by Lexington Development Company and S. J.
<br />Krannak, planned to be built on the north side of Larpenteur Ave. be-
<br />tween Lexington and Fernwood Avenues, in Roseville, and
<br />
<br />(can't )
<br />
<br />Hestview Ad
<br /># 2 final
<br />