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Last modified
5/24/2023 10:31:17 AM
Creation date
5/24/2023 10:27:13 AM
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Public Works Commission
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80 Vice Chair Collins asked if the students knew what level the City of Roseville will <br />81 be at without filling out anything. He noticed there were two stars. <br />82 <br />83 Ben explained that in their preliminary research into this they used the assessment <br />84 tool, and a lot of that information is speculative information that they do not have <br />85 access to and there is a lot of very detailed information they could not easily find <br />86 just by going onto the website. It is something that needs to come from a body such <br />87 as the PWETC. <br />88 <br />89 Ava explained that this is very nuanced information, such as sidewalk lengths and <br />90 what certain distance is between a stop sign. It is information they were not able to <br />91 access. <br />92 <br />93 Simon thought, if they had to estimate at this time, the City of Roseville would <br />94 probably be in the bronze category, based off the information they would be able <br />95 to find in their research. <br />96 <br />97 Member Cicha asked if there are any other cities in the presentation that would be <br />98 similar to Roseville. <br />99 <br />100 Ava reviewed cities in Minnesota that have achieved the green team certification, <br />101 but not the whole walk friendly certification. There are cities that are relatively <br />102 similar to Roseville's size and demographic that have achieved walk friendly <br />103 certification. Minneapolis is used as the main example just because that is similar <br />104 in the sense that it is close in proximity and a lot of the programs that are used in <br />105 Minneapolis can be transferred over to Roseville. There are also cities that are <br />106 smaller that have been walk friendly certified. <br />107 <br />108 Chair Ficek asked if this is an annual renewal or is the certification permanent. <br />109 <br />110 Simon believed the City would get certified and would need to be renewed every <br />111 eight to ten years. <br />112 <br />113 Ava indicated the certification would last until it was time for renewal. <br />114 <br />115 Ms. Bakken indicated that currently the green team is the PWET Commission, but <br />116 the students are recommending opening it up and creating a more community -wide <br />117 green team that includes staff, some Commission members, community members, <br />118 and business owners, to have a nice forum to discuss things like the zero -waste <br />119 ordinance and other things and how the community might react to those kinds of <br />120 things. <br />121 <br />122 Chair Ficek thanked the students for their presentation. <br />123 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />Page 5 of 29 <br />
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