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<br />Victoria Street Roadway & Trail Conceptual Design Study | Study Report - DRAFT | PAGE 52 <br /> <br />Phase 2: Preliminary Cross Sections <br />Phase 2 focused on presenting and gathering feedback from community members on the preliminary <br />cross sections drawings that showed how a trail could fit on Victoria Street. There were 26 attendees at <br />the April 2022 virtual open house, which included a presentation on activities since the first open house, <br />design considerations for various facility types, project phasing, cross section concepts, cross section <br />screening and initial plan view concepts. Questions and comments about safety were most common, <br />including concern for high vehicle speeds, a desire for narrowing lanes and other traffic calming options <br />and safe connections to destinations, especially to Central Park, Central Park North and nearby schools. <br />Phase 2 also included an online survey and interactive online map. Twelve people responded to the <br />survey. Most respondents support the trail on the west side of Victoria Street. Multiple respondents <br />mentioned that they would like to see the trail extended up to Harriet Avenue if it were to be on the west <br />side, which would ensure that it connects to the existing trail near St. Odilia Church. Most respondents <br />would prefer a single shared used path instead of separate walking and biking paths and would like traffic <br />calming to reduce vehicle speeds. Feedback from the mapping activity focused on consistency with <br />existing trails, minimizing the need to cross the road and connections to Emmet D. Williams Elementary. <br />Phase 3: Full Concept Review <br />Phase 3 included an in-person open house on July 14, 2022. This round included a presentation of work <br />done since the last open house and a comparison of two conceptual alternatives for the corridor. The plan <br />for a phased approach was further discussed, with information on what would be included in each phase. <br />Roseville and Shoreview residents were generally supportive of a separated trail on Victoria Street, with a <br />minority of open house attendees expressing concerns over a variety of topics including impacts to their <br />properties, concerns over potential tree removal during project construction, project costs, high vehicle <br />speeds along the roadway, and questions about there being a demand by pedestrians. <br />Phase 3 included an online survey following the third open house, which was still live at the time of writing <br />this report. <br />Public Engagement Key Takeaways <br />Key public and stakeholder feedback that should be considered as potential projects on Victoria Street <br />move forward include: <br />• Both the east and west side trail concepts are better than the status quo. <br />• A trail on the west side connects to more places that people walk and bike to. <br />• Support for a design that improves safety along the corridor, especially at intersections. <br />• High vehicle speeds should be addressed through traffic calming measures. <br />• If the west side concept moves forward, it should connect to the existing trail by St. Odilia and <br />Island Lake Elementary. <br />• There is more support for one shared use path/trail rather than separate walking and biking trails. <br />• There is concern about potential property impacts, including potential tree removals. <br />• There are various opinions about whether trails are needed on both sides in the future.