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<br />Victoria Street Roadway & Trail Conceptual Design Study | Study Report - DRAFT | PAGE 53 <br /> <br />V. Additional Recommendations <br />Future Crossing Improvements <br />While a detailed evaluation of crossing improvements was outside the scope of this study, the project <br />team conducted a high-level screening of the 12 intersections in the original study area that should be <br />evaluated for nonmotorized crossing improvements as part of a future Victoria Street project. The <br />screening was based on the following criteria: <br />• Roadway crossing distance. <br />• Intersections with above average crash rates. <br />• Intersections with existing pedestrian and/or bicycle facilities. <br />• Intersections with existing pedestrian safety countermeasures. <br />• Intersections with a nearby transit stop. <br />• Intersections that provide direct access to key destinations identified in the corridor. <br />As shown in Table 8 and Figure 21, several intersections exhibit a number of these characteristics that <br />indicate a more in-depth evaluation of nonmotorized crossing improvements should be conducted in <br />future phases of project development. <br /> Victoria St at County Road D