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Member Misra explained she would like the Commission to also look at <br />neighboring cities that have changed their overall standards that have bordering <br />streets to Roseville to take a look at those speed limits and be considerate of the <br />neighboring cities. She also thought it was important to look at the policing of the <br />streets but also understood that a lot of people are abusing the speed limits and by <br />reducing the speed limit the City would be indicating to the residents and <br />commuters to slow it down all over the place. This is more of a general indicator <br />that may bring down speed across the board. <br />Member Collins indicated he had opinions that he wanted to keep to himself at this <br />time. <br />Chair Ficek noted he is an engineer by trade but he is balancing that with maybe <br />there is a cultural change that is needed. He explained that he has talked to <br />Mr. Culver previously about streets and the engineers designing them for cars and <br />the change now is to try to design the roads for pedestrians and bicycles and trying <br />to determine which will dictate the rules for the road. In terms of questions he has <br />of what he would like to see, it would be interesting to see some of the things the <br />City has rolled out and how decisions were made and what were some of the aspects <br />looked at and what were the results. He also agreed he would like to hear from the <br />Police Chief and the education processes that can be there, not only for a roll out <br />but is there a way, if they were to go with a lower speed limit, are there programs <br />that can get the residents involved where they can actually start to understand what <br />the actual speed is when standing out in the front yard. He would also like to find <br />out from other cities that decided not to go to uniform city speed limits and find out <br />the reasons why.Generally, he thought there is agreement to continue to look at <br />this and gather more information before making a recommendation. He thought <br />the public needed to be involved but not immediately, he thought the public should <br />be included at a later stage. <br />Page 4 of 9 <br /> <br />