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CCP 07102023
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CCP 07102023
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7/14/2023 4:17:04 PM
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7/14/2023 4:15:42 PM
Roseville City Council
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Mr. Culver explained the only thing he will say regarding the Police Commission <br />is that he is not exactly sure what their prevue is on that Commission and what their <br />official task is. <br />Vice Chair Joyce asked if the 2021 speed study includes traffic flow, traffic timing, <br />and other things come into play. <br /> <br />Mr. Freihammer explained the data the City collected, most of it was done in 2017 <br />and it was updated in 2020, which was during COVID, and may be the reason why <br />some of the data in parenthesis may be a little higher in some cases. The majority <br />th <br />of the data on the 85 percentile sheet was collected during normal operations. <br />Vice Chair Joyce thought there needed to be an accurate snap shot of what is going <br />on now for traffic in the City, post COVID. Another thing is on City streets the <br />carte blanche of one speed limit on all of them, just because the City owns them, <br />he wondered if there were other examples of other cities, besides the County and <br />State Aid roads, is there any thought about particular roads that the City owns that <br />would be posted otherwise. <br />Mr. Freihammer explained St. Paul did a study and does have an overall 20mph <br />speed limit; however, on collectors or as otherwise posted St. Paul does have these <br />posted at different speed limits. That could be an option for the City. <br />Vice Chair Joyce explained he did like the point that Mr. Culver made about the <br />uniformity in the region to make it seamless through each town a person drives <br />through. He thought the reason for uniformity makes a really good reason for <br />taking a look at it. <br />Member Misra thought since COVID, a lot of lifestyles have been affected and <br />what she has noticed is that people are out walking around a lot more now and <br />people are out with families more as well. There seems to be more pedestrian and <br />bicycle traffic and she thought those are things that Roseville has tried to promote. <br />She thought the speed limit issue seems to be related to that. If the City is seeing a <br />shift in lifestyles and how people are living in Roseville, then it seems to her that <br />looking at something like a speed limit change is completely appropriate. She <br />thought taking a look at it is a good idea. She asked, as the City blankets itself with <br />a standard speed limit, how does that affect the other streets that the City does not <br />control. She thought that would change the traffic patterns on the County and State <br />controlled streets. She thought that Roseville is unique in a sense that there are <br />many streets not governed by the City which could affect a lot of traffic. She would <br />like to know if the speed limit is decreased on streets that are controlled by the City <br />how will that will affect traffic on a number of streets that are still residential but <br />that Roseville does not have control over. She also wondered if there are ways that <br />Roseville can exercise control over those streets because she thought context is <br />everything and in Roseville those are residential streets with driveways. <br />Page 3 of 9 <br /> <br />
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