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City Council Meeting Minutes
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1/30/2024 1:18:47 PM
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1/30/2024 1:18:45 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, January 8, 2024 <br /> Page 15 <br /> Mayor Roe asked in regard to remote participation, did the Council want further <br /> discussion on this at a future meeting or have staff bring some language back to the <br /> Council. <br /> Councilmember Strahan indicated she would like to know what other cities are <br /> doing in regard to this. <br /> Mayor Roe thought the question was if the City needed to have a rule on who can <br /> participate remotely and whether that includes people of the public.He did not think <br /> many people in the public are participating remotely anymore. <br /> City Attorney Tierney explained what she has heard, even nationally, is that a lot <br /> of councils are moving away from Zoom, non-scheduled testimony. One option <br /> some cities began with during the pandemic are now being reconsidered, which is <br /> if a person wants to testify by Zoom, the person can do that but would require a <br /> pre-registration so the City knows who that is so there is less of the concern about <br /> the unknown or surprise testimony. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted the Council does not have to do anything if the Council is not <br /> comfortable doing so. The last direction of the Council was not to allow Zoom <br /> participation. Staff can always use it for if a Councilmember is sick and wants to <br /> participate remotely or if the staff or consultants want to use it,the City still has the <br /> ability to do that. He noted the City is not required to provide Zoom participation <br /> for anybody. <br /> Mayor Roe thought at the conclusion of"the meeting", it was sort of a non-official <br /> action.There was not a vote taken by the City Council but more of an administrative <br /> decision which the Council tended to concur with subsequently individually and <br /> offline. Having this discussion is an important way to close the loop on that and <br /> make sure the Council is officially looped into the conversation. <br /> City Attorney Tierney indicated a point to make and it does not necessarily need to <br /> be in the Council's procedural rules or anything like that, but in the event that the <br /> City did have an individual with interest in presenting something before the City, <br /> and for any protected reasons, such as a disability, was not able to attend, the City <br /> would need to allow that by Zoom. She did not think it necessarily needed to be in <br /> the City Policy as it would certainly be an accommodation that would be expected <br /> if someone was entitled to be accommodated. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it may make sense to put something the rules and procedures <br /> to cover those instances and perhaps set in place an outline,if not specific procedure <br /> of what would be required of someone to sign up to do that. <br /> City Attorney Tierney thought it would be limited to individuals who have a case <br /> before the Council, in her line it is the quasi-judicial decisions that the Council is <br />
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