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\ J <br />HRIC}C3S AND bi0i?C3AN <br />Mr. Richard W. Turnlund -2- September 13, 1963 <br />will be compl�ted by �'riday, September 20th. I r�ave executed <br />a contr°act on beha3f �f Fiax�-Mar with the Ryan L,a.ndscape Company <br />by the terms of w�.�ch they agree to cornmence work at our <br />di�ection a�nd compl��e all of the sodding work within fifteen <br />day�. I am advised that this work was cammenGed Thursday, <br />August 12vh. MrB. Slawik is meeting with the Park Narseries <br />repres�ntative, M� . Ed Reid, toda�r. I have asked her �o <br />o�atain from the Park Nurseries a statement wh�n the buf i"e� <br />planting will be completed. I will forward �his to you under <br />Qeparate cover. <br />It is disturbing to us �hat our neighbors have seen fit to <br />make �b�ection to a special use permit when they have no or�,,jection <br />to t�he int�nded use and we do not wish to have a precedent <br />estabYi�hed th�.� wE must apply far a special use permit to sell <br />gooc�s a1c r�tail in Har-Mar where we are not al�ering the basic <br />structure or general plan of development of the center�. We do <br />not wish to affend the council nor cause the council embarrass- <br />ment, �ut we b�li�ve � we have the right to sell auto;norilea <br />in Har-Nar without a spec�_al use permit and we intend to do so. <br />In the meantim�, I wish �o a�su�e the council that we are doin.g <br />everything within our power to complet� the work call�d for by <br />our special uee permit. <br />�Tery truly yours, <br />BCH : � o <br />Pncl. <br />cc: Mr. Robert C. Bell � <br />